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"The Hateline project was born in 2004 from an idea of some of the current components.With restricted resources concerned to the instrumentation and the space in where to play we managed to show our hardcore feelings,characterized by a deep-rooted hate against all things around us.The principal symptom of this precocious disease is a kind of anguishing frustation that resides in us in every single moment of our useless and wicked life.The firsts that managed to convert our afflictions in music were Mario(drummer),Paolo(guitar) and Alessio(vocals).Afterwards an accidental meeting with a less identifiable man,(Baro) whose we could see the self-injurer nature,helps us to understand that he would be for sure our bass-man.In the deadly-boring october of 2004,the desperate search endeed..we found the 2nd guitarist(Ceco).After months of hard work we managed to create a small repertory,completely influenced by hardcore grooves.In 2005 we understood that we needed more violence,hardcore style was not enough...listening to a rock sound's cd we found a darkest hour's song called "pay phones and pils"..orgasm for our sick mind...for the first time in our life we knew a new sense of reconciliation,never felt,that estranged us from our chronic repulsion.In a couple of months we started to write new songs without caring about a problem,that was the removal of the 2nd guitarist.In fact because of his musical's divergencies he left the band not long after.Months later we found the substitute.He seemed to us like a little stunned-guy but with a lot disquiet to add to our just satured karma.With Negro(guitarist) the true Hateline were finally born... A pure essence of hate.."
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