Pic6-21AD, codename Orion profile picture

Pic6-21AD, codename Orion

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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I hope the paths of war are not chosen. It is critical that we stand together.I just wanted to make some goals as a people because i dunno, i was scared. How do we make sure the vessel is safe, how do we make sure our children and women are safe?When you ask me about me.I am a guy who used to play hockey it was fun. I liked High School enjoyed it. College was a great educational experience. My Religion classes kinda freaked me out though.I'm into Real Estate sales, I like it.Living a normal life. I always wanted to do that. But at this date and time, does anybody really?I like music, these days been samplin' some stuff check it out. Pic6 is holdin' the trax.Wrote a book about paranormal experiences... it is a manuscript called "Resurrection is a CD, Revelation is a Notebook" (it all starts with the notebook though, anyway, so feel free to suggest another, pix a beginner at this stuff).Sorry about my prior posts, din't mean to draw pain from what i was going through, I'm just a guy. Das it. I make mistakes, I fall, I cry, I smile, I laugh, I breath, I'm not invisible. And I know I am not perfect.You know, I thought I stumbled on this allegory, but it has been hard to put into story or song. And I agree with this decision now. I apologize to anyone who was offended by my intentions to revisit things in a deeper manner... ? But What we found is just nothing to be messing with. Now I just hope i don't go wrong... kno?Dat picture on my left hand corner of my screen is true, but it more than likely this year just be a date and an oath. But no wedding this year... see you 8.8.8 :) ... which is actually my Dad's birthday.Was hearing strange calls in 2006 and 2007, but I'm just too superstitious I guess.Misunderstood? Yes. Very. But I wanted the miracle, I wanted the vision. I hope Pic6 come through... memba please don' pull on pic kodes?Yo, I have mad love for the world, perhaps too much as in the state of things these days. My mother and father have been awesome with this stuff, and have helped me in my troubles, I'm lucky and I do appreciate it.As far as those dreams on the left hand side of my screen... i certainly would like to try...The Makaveli portrait is something to be remembered, my wish is to only bring it to a higher level. 5/16/07 Finally changed the page, but I din't change my opinion. Pic luv you....peace y'all. Be sure to check out my album Triple Sevens: Oath of Love. You can download the CD on the snocap...
Myspace MP3 Players at Mytuneslive.com

My Interests

Tai Kwon Dao, music, women, lifting, food, unique fun shit to do here and there

I'd like to meet:

True Salvation. No more pain, no more tears. No more sins no more fears. The only thing constant, is change. Please don' pull on pic. Everyone that is my friend on Myspace. And of course.. my fans. (still working on getting more of those.. :) ) It seems my return to both the Dao Jang and The Christian Church have been a success. I hope I will be forgiven and seen worthy. All faces that turn to my page, be sure to get my favorite artists CD's 2. The people on my page... turn the course of history. You know who I would love to meet... The girl of my dreams on an awesome day.


Big Tupac fan, I mean my alias is 'Pic', what would you expect, so the Makaveli lives on. I love John Mayer and Nelly Furtado, Gwen Stefani, The Doors, G-Unit's got good stuff, I am a sucka for the ninetys and eightys, oh yea, of course the rap prophets of the 90's, Nasir, Jay-Z, Ja,(despite tha battle of the Apollo, I still luv Ja), DMX (after all, he is God's dog), the bAD bOY definitely got some classics, uh, luv Biggie. this millenium shit peaked us out, but I'm alwayz looking for a good song...u want to know somethin' really, wicked, truly sad? curt cobain and john lennon would've done wicked special stuff in our ops. bless their souls, we miss and love them.You like the NOW CD's... always liked those...Here is something nostalgic...I was prolly conceived during Stevie Nicks with Fleetwood Mac...or some of dat Billy Joel good stuff...Pic6 might have somethin'... but i'm watchin' him...


American Beauty, Selena, Resurrection, Saving Private Ryan, South Park, Pulp Fiction (remember that dance scene?uh,timeless. How about 'The Natural', memba? The Gangsta shit too, Casino, Goodfellas, Scarface, Anything that can do either of the following "interesting violence, absolutely hilarious, or can make me cry." Forrest Gump, now that is a movie. Yo, chek that copyrite, saw last nite, could not stop crying. 2006. Hey, did u catch "Smokin' Aces"... good movie. Next Stop Wonderland, a hidden gem...


Adult Swim and comedy central, u know that show Flavor of Love,--? hilarious... The White Rapper Show is awesome.slips and clips of miracles... you know wat i like...NE $ BEAN.vh1, History, Bravo, News, National Geographic, Animal Planet, mtv


Great Gatsby, The Koran, The Bible, The Inferno, but God and religion do interest me, The Sonnets, Romeo and Juliet, The Rose that Grew from the Concrete, I like to buy CD's and read the catalogues and shit. mEMba dA TemPesT? dat is HoW shOUld oF ended. mAsqUea+... Remember "Great Expectations"... i like that one...


Tupac was the Jesus of our times, Jesus was the Tupac of his times, They are my two heros.Among others are my friends who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, my friends who didn't make it to 26 to see this day.

My Blog

Check out this video: Live from Pix Bedroom

Check out this video: Live from Pix Bedroom Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Pic6-21AD, codename Orion on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 03:25:00 PST

A Salesman's Prayer

A Salesman's Prayer   The fine line of fire burns again, Demons of darkness underneath my skin, Angels of my youth, fade away, Past the age of innocence Past the age of death and beginnings Invis...
Posted by Pic6-21AD, codename Orion on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

The Ewe and The Queen ...

The Ewe and The Queen,   The foreshadowing of the ultimate The eyes that know every eye The hearts that separate the divisions The dinner party you want to be at Et tu Brute at the end If not on ...
Posted by Pic6-21AD, codename Orion on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

The Chinese Click (2007)

Chinese Click   The call of the wolf to a dog late at night. The dog is restless.. It's owner seeks and taps on a lost pen.. The dog barks, The wolf calls, And the owners answer is a lost pen& ...
Posted by Pic6-21AD, codename Orion on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

Pix Strethes and Interpretations... Genesis

Light and Darkness, The First Day...The Dome called Sky, The Second Day...The Land, The Seed, The Vegetation, The Third Day...Lights in the Sky, guardians of Day and Night, The Fourth Day...Creatures ...
Posted by Pic6-21AD, codename Orion on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

The Manuscript

..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />                      Resurrection Is A CD, Revelation Is A Notebook. &...
Posted by Pic6-21AD, codename Orion on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

Anonymous Thesis

Intoxication..: Intoxication is my pain in feeling good.. Intoxication is an imaginary phone line from suburbs to the hood& The slightest breath that makes me breathe again.. Clutching my pillow when...
Posted by Pic6-21AD, codename Orion on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST


A thunder wrapped around my heart Lightning flashing through my brain Enemies everywhere in a war not tamed Calm peoples around, but I don't feel the same  A watchful eye searching for ideas Thin...
Posted by Pic6-21AD, codename Orion on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

Check Your Watch

Check Your Watch Does anyone know what time it is today? Is there anyone that is vying to give you and me relay? Is anyone out there? Does anyone know when they are sentenced? Does anyone know what i...
Posted by Pic6-21AD, codename Orion on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

u have a friend

U have a Friend u have a friendwhose known since the eighties...u have a friend, who has a staff and is going to get to the bottom of thisu have a friend, this agency is americanu have a friend who i...
Posted by Pic6-21AD, codename Orion on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST