Girls, guitar, skateboarding, slalom everything, kiteboarding, surfing, windsailing, sking, snowboarding, just about every sport and extreme sport there is except for baseballWHAT SURFING REALLY MEANSI started surfing when I was 14 years old and my whole world changed, it is like everyone says- "surfing is not just a sport but a way of life". Riding waves is a very calming experience, every thing slows down and you feel like it is just you and Mother Nature together. Everyone knows that our body is made up of 87% water. When riding waves you are actually riding waves of energy that have traveled thousand of miles from storms in the ocean, and no 2 waves are exactly the same kind of like people. Every thing in life is waves of energy that is constantly vibrating and moving, colors, sounds literaly everything. You can always better your surfing and become more apart of the free flowing wave and begin to dance with the wave in a smooth flow using momentum and grace to balance your body. “SURFING HAS CHANGED MY LIFE†n is probaly 1 of the bestest things ever. so fuckin learn how to surf it's mad hard n the only way to get good at it is do it every day neva give up.
i already met her
My Shit, or anything that had talent and heart put into it. All Music is good.
Which Band Should You Be In?
by couplandesque
Your Name
Band Name Red Hot Chili Peppers
Role Guitarist
Trademark Appearing Onstage Almost Nude
Love Interest Well-Known Actor
South Park is the only good show now except for the Daily Show, n The Colbert Repor
Your mom and JESUS fuckin Christ Who made all of this possible.Thx Jesus! Will Ferrel is pretty kool 2.
Are you a God?
by Demonac
God/Goddess type: False God
Worshippers: Hippies
They show devotion by: Making up holydays to get out of school/work
Dumb Cop With Gun