Deep meditation, spinal breathing pranayama, tantra, kriya, bliss, joy, ecstasy,...
What is meditation and how do you practice it?
Your mind has a natural ability to be quiet...Click to read the full lesson.
Keywords: Yoga, yog, yogam, spiritual, enlightenment, mantra, guru, third eye, kundalini, pituitary, pineal,
What is spinal breathing (pranayama)? ...pranayama will quiet the nervous system, and provide a fertile
ground for deep meditation...
siddhi, siddha, bhakti, karma, brahmacharya, mulabandha, kechari mudra, siddhasana, padmasana, sambhavi, shaktipat, samyama, dharma, sexuality, sex, ecstatic conductivity,
What is tantra? Tantra yoga is the broadest of all the yoga systems that approach
life as two realities to be joined in the human nervous system. Tantra recognizes
from the start that there are two poles to be ecstatically merged for
enlightenment to occur – father heaven and mother earth, masculine
and feminine energies, shiva and shakti, yin and yang – and that
these two poles are contained in us, in our nervous system.
yoni, lingam, ida, pingala, granthis, hindu, hinduism, ajna, asana, celibacy, vajroli, amaroli, Ayurveda, Buddha, Chakras, Deepak Chopra, devotion, union, love, Emerson, Gopi Krishna, Hatha, Iyengar, Jesus, Krishna, Babaji, Krishnamurti ,Lahiri Mahasaya, Lao Tsu, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, I AM, Mohammed, moses, muktananda, Mother Theresa of Calcutta, Narayanananda, Christian, Jewish, Mohammed, Allah, amrita, Norman Paulsen, Osho, Rajneesh, Paramahansa Yogananda, Pratyahara, Ramakrishna, Ramana Maharishi, Reiki, reincarnation, Rumi, Sai Baba, Samadhi, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Theresa of Avila, Satyananda, Shankara, shiva, shakti, Sivananda, sri yantra, sufi, sutra, swami rama, Tai Chi, Vigyan Bhairav, homosexuality, pornography, alchohol, drugs, tobacco, Sri Vidya, Taoism, tapas, Thomas Edison, Transcendental Meditation, India, turiya, Vivekananda, World Peace, worship, yama, niyama, nidra, Yukteswar, patanjali, satsang, jnana, yogi, yogini.
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Advanced Yoga Practices – Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living
The Secrets of Wilder
Deep Meditation – Pathway to Personal Freedom
Spinal Breathing Pranayama – Journey to Inner Space
Tantra – Discovering the Power of Pre-Orgasmic Sex
Asanas, Mudras & Bandhas – Awakening Ecstatic Kundalini
Samyama- Cultivating Stillness in Action, Siddhis & Miracles
AYP Books
All saints, yogis, masters, etc, who have come before us to lay the foundation for these AYP lessons.