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Advanced Yoga Practices. The Guru is in You.

About Me

Free Meditation Lessons An open and integrated system of advanced yoga practices is offered here which will unfold natural ecstatic radiance. The techniques act directly through heart, mind, body, breath and sexuality. Practices taught in the lessons include deep meditation using an efficient universal mantra, advanced spinal breathing pranayama methods, and an integration of hatha, kundalini and tantra techniques, all for steadily cultivating inner peace and enlightenment through daily practice. Everyone is encouraged to go at their own speed in taking on new practices. Much attention is devoted in the lessons to developing skills in "self-pacing," with the aim of assisting every practitioner to become self-sufficient in yoga.
The author, Yogani, is an American spiritual scientist with many years’ experience in blending powerful yoga methods with the modern lifestyle. The focus here is on revealing practices that work, not on promoting a sectarian view. All are invited to join in, regardless of background or level of skill in yoga. These lessons can be used as a stand-alone teaching, or as "food for thought" to supplement any other path.
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Purpose of these Lessons
"...the goal in these lessons -- to provide the essential means to stimulate the nervous system to purify and open itself, which it is very inclined to do when given the opportunity...The goal here is to assist you in becoming self-sufficient in yoga..." The purpose of purifying and opening the nervous system is so that we may expand into a permanent state of unending divine ecstatic bliss and live in compassionate unity. Keywords: Yoga, yog, yogam, spiritual, enlightenment, mantra, guru, third eye, kundalini, pituitary, pineal, siddhi, siddha, bhakti, karma, brahmacharya, mulabandha, kechari mudra, siddhasana, padmasana, sambhavi, shaktipat, samyama, dharma, sexuality, sex, ecstatic conductivity, yoni, lingam, ida, pingala, granthis, hindu, hinduism, ajna, asana, celibacy, vajroli, amaroli, Ayurveda, Buddha, Chakras, Deepak Chopra, devotion, union, love, Emerson, Gopi Krishna, Hatha, Iyengar, Jesus, Krishna, Babaji, Krishnamurti ,Lahiri Mahasaya, Lao Tsu, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, I AM, Mohammed, moses, muktananda, Mother Theresa of Calcutta, Narayanananda, Christian, Jewish, Mohammed,Topic Index
The main AYP website is so full of information that you may feel a little lost or overwhelmed, so use the following topic index to easily find lessons on a subject you are searching for: Topic Index
Also, even easier is to search the site using the following link: Site Search Allah, amrita, Norman Paulsen, Osho, meditation, pranayama, tantra, kriya, joy, bliss, ecstasy, Rajneesh, Paramahansa Yogananda, Pratyahara, Ramakrishna, Ramana Maharishi, Reiki, reincarnation, Rumi, Sai Baba, Samadhi, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Theresa of Avila, Satyananda, Shankara, shiva, shakti, Sivananda, sri yantra, sufi, sutra, swami rama, Tai Chi, Summary of Principles and Practices
Lesson 204: In this lesson we will review the fundamental principles, the natural abilities that stem from them, and the practices that have been given that stimulate these natural abilities. Vigyan Bhairav, homosexuality, pornography, alchohol, drugs, tobacco, Sri Vidya, Taoism, tapas, Thomas Edison, Transcendental Meditation, India, turiya, Vivekananda, World Peace, worship, yama, niyama, nidra, Yukteswar, patanjali, satsang, jnana, yogi, yogini.
For those who are wondering what the purpose of all the above words are, these are keywords that are mentioned in the AYP lessons which will show up in search results and make it easier for people to find this page.

My Interests

Deep meditation, spinal breathing pranayama, tantra, kriya, bliss, joy, ecstasy,...

What is meditation and how do you practice it? Your mind has a natural ability to be quiet...Click to read the full lesson. Keywords: Yoga, yog, yogam, spiritual, enlightenment, mantra, guru, third eye, kundalini, pituitary, pineal, What is spinal breathing (pranayama)? ...pranayama will quiet the nervous system, and provide a fertile ground for deep meditation... siddhi, siddha, bhakti, karma, brahmacharya, mulabandha, kechari mudra, siddhasana, padmasana, sambhavi, shaktipat, samyama, dharma, sexuality, sex, ecstatic conductivity, What is tantra? Tantra yoga is the broadest of all the yoga systems that approach life as two realities to be joined in the human nervous system. Tantra recognizes from the start that there are two poles to be ecstatically merged for enlightenment to occur – father heaven and mother earth, masculine and feminine energies, shiva and shakti, yin and yang – and that these two poles are contained in us, in our nervous system. yoni, lingam, ida, pingala, granthis, hindu, hinduism, ajna, asana, celibacy, vajroli, amaroli, Ayurveda, Buddha, Chakras, Deepak Chopra, devotion, union, love, Emerson, Gopi Krishna, Hatha, Iyengar, Jesus, Krishna, Babaji, Krishnamurti ,Lahiri Mahasaya, Lao Tsu, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, I AM, Mohammed, moses, muktananda, Mother Theresa of Calcutta, Narayanananda, Christian, Jewish, Mohammed, Allah, amrita, Norman Paulsen, Osho, Rajneesh, Paramahansa Yogananda, Pratyahara, Ramakrishna, Ramana Maharishi, Reiki, reincarnation, Rumi, Sai Baba, Samadhi, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Theresa of Avila, Satyananda, Shankara, shiva, shakti, Sivananda, sri yantra, sufi, sutra, swami rama, Tai Chi, Vigyan Bhairav, homosexuality, pornography, alchohol, drugs, tobacco, Sri Vidya, Taoism, tapas, Thomas Edison, Transcendental Meditation, India, turiya, Vivekananda, World Peace, worship, yama, niyama, nidra, Yukteswar, patanjali, satsang, jnana, yogi, yogini.

For those who are wondering what the purpose of all the above words are, these are keywords that are mentioned in the AYP lessons which will show up in search results and make it easier for people to find this page.

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Advanced Yoga Practices – Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living

The Secrets of Wilder

Deep Meditation – Pathway to Personal Freedom

Spinal Breathing Pranayama – Journey to Inner Space

Tantra – Discovering the Power of Pre-Orgasmic Sex

Asanas, Mudras & Bandhas – Awakening Ecstatic Kundalini

Samyama- Cultivating Stillness in Action, Siddhis & Miracles

AYP Books


All saints, yogis, masters, etc, who have come before us to lay the foundation for these AYP lessons.

My Blog

MP3/ iPod Audiobook: Deep Meditation and more to come!

http://www.aypsite.com/books.html The Deep Meditation audiobook is read by the author, Yogani.
Posted by AYP on Sun, 13 May 2007 08:12:00 PST

Much Anticipated Samyama Book

Originally posted at: http://www.aypsite.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1915 Hi All:The newest AYP book is entering the distribution channels. The full title is:Samyama - Cultivating Stillness in Action...
Posted by AYP on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 06:39:00 PST

Listen to Yogani Live Radio Interview Series -- January 2007

This information can be found at: http://www.aypsite.com/audio.html   Advanced Yoga PracticesYogani Radio Interviews A series of radio interviews with Yogani is in progress on 136...
Posted by AYP on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 09:49:00 PST

Attention: I am not Yogani

To clarify, I am not Yogani, I am just a helper managing this myspace page and connecting with all of you wonderful people out there. Love, Hunter
Posted by AYP on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 04:08:00 PST

International Translations of AYP

Bulgarian -- http://www.bg-ayp.dir.bg/index.htmlFrench -- http://fr.groups.yahoo.com/group/Pr...anceesdeyogaHindi -- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Advan...ctices_HindiSpanish -- http://www.namaste.com...
Posted by AYP on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 08:03:00 PST

Great book list

http://www.aypsite.org/booklist.html Subjects: 1-Yoga/Tantra, 2-Buddhism, 3-Taoism,         4-Theosophy, 5-Judeo/Christian, 6-Western Mystics/Teachers, 7-Islam/...
Posted by AYP on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 02:53:00 PST

AYP advertisement in Open Exchange Magazine

The Guru is Within You. Free Yoga Lessons by Yogani. Practical Tools for Expansive Development. www.aypsite.com Learn the ancient teachings of the yogi's that, up until now, have been kept secret fro...
Posted by AYP on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 07:41:00 PST