Wandering Stargazer profile picture

Wandering Stargazer

Geeks are a proud people

About Me

Hey folks, my name's Daniel and I welcome you to my page.I'm a simple individual who loves the internet. However, my family dosen't have good service so I have to use the access provided by the college and I only have a single laptop. Until this time I was stuck using AOL with dial-up. So I'm no expert at this. And I usually give brief and easy responses cause I'm a little lacking in social skills.I also have a slight personal problem. I suffer from a psychological disability similiar to Asperger's Syndrom & Attention-Deficit Disorder.I'm also what some people would consider a "geek". This is because of my hobbies of comic-collecting and gaming. I'm proud of what I am and therefore, I'm not bothered by the people who might disrespect me.Despite the fact that a new generation of video game consoles has come out there are two reasons I haven't upgraded yet; first, I'm still nostalgic for the hardware of the previous generation, and second, I'm a little low one funds for them so I'm waiting till the prices go down.Until they went bankrupt the two publishers that I was dedicated to were Crossgen and Chaos! These days I'm more interested in the Indie publishers, but I still enjoy Marvel & DC too.I personally want to get a job as a wildlife photographer.Although, those are my little pleasures in life, I still recognize the fact that life has more important things in it. That's why I encourage people to be flexible and adjust to circumstances. However, I also encourage people to stand up for morals and their rights as well as recognize fairness. ..
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The Wolves

Which Greek God Are You?

My Result: Poseidon
You're most like Poseidon. Poseidon was one of Zeus' brothers who helped Zeus overthrow their own father. They then chose lots and Poseidon was from then on known as God of the Sea. You also created the horse.. after many tries, to woo Demeter. Poseidon was known for his greedy, horrible temper. He was usually part and started many disputes among other Gods. He wasn't as powerful or as intelligent (sorry) as his brother, Zeus, but he was very strong, had the respect of many.
Take This Quiz

Look! Up in the Sky! The Very Best of Hubble
Mechwarrior - Hells Bells

My Interests

-Scifi -Fantasy -Horror -Comic books (esp. Indie publishers) (I have a large collection from Crossgen & Chaos!) -anime -Pizza -Subway restaurants (Eat Fresh!) -Mountain Dew -Root Beer -Astronomy -Biology -World History -Electronic Gaming (PC, Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox) -Magic the Gathering TCG -Role-playing games (Dungeons & Dragons, GURPS, World of Darkness) -Reviewing pop culture on Wikipedia -encouraging people to be more intellectual (I'm still learning how to do this) -Deviantart.com -Art from comics and games (sonsofthestorm.com is great) -Respecting & helping wildlife (especially wolves) -watching youtube -BattleTech -X-Men -World of Warcraft -hiking in the woods and countryside -Ancient Mythology

I'd like to meet:

New friends and hopefully reunite with old friends from High School. Specifically, Starrs Mill High in Georgia.In addition to that, I hope to meet fans of my interests.I also like to meet people who want to help the environment as well as people interested in scientific progress.Gamers: those who play Magic, D&D, World of Darkness,etc. Those who play the games of Xbox, PS2, & Dreamcast ( I prefer the single-player games that don't need internet. I think multi-player should be for computer games) I'm also hoping to meet up with some of the players I've encountered from Everquest and World of Warcraft (I'm on the Area 52 server for Horde and the Elune server for Alliance.)


-Aerosmith -Rob Zombie -Sugar Ray -Hootie & the Blowfish -Poison -various 80's music -various 90's music -AC/DC -Various classical music -Shania Twain -Tim McGraw -Various country music -Marilyn Manson -Occaisionally new age music


-All the Star Wars films (the originals were better) -LOTR trilogy -Aliens Quadrilogy -Predator Films -Jurassic Park Trilogy -American Pie 1, 2 -Stand and Deliver -Demolition Man -Apollo 13 -The Lost Boys -Enemy Mine -Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome -Ace Ventura: Pet Detective -Sleepy Hollow -Robocop -A Civil Action -Van Helsing -300 -Fantastic Four -Big Trouble in Little China -Dawn of the Dead -Spaceballs -Monty Python & the Holy Grail -Dances with Wolves -300 -Forrest Gump -Batman (1989) -Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon -Robin Hood Prince of Thieves -The 13th warrior -John Carpenter's The Thing -Peter Jackson's King Kong -Michael Bay's Transformers -Hellboy -Glory -Ghost Rider


-The Simpsons -Farscape -Primeval -Ripley's Believe it or Not! -The SciFi Channel -King of the Hill -Married with children -Ripley's Believe it or Not! -the Channel G4 (Cinematech & X-play) -Star Trek (occaisionally) -Chiller network -Planet Earth -BBC's "Walking With" franchise -Cartoon Network's Adult Swim (Robot Chicken & Anime) -Xena (occaisionally) -National Geographic Channel -Discovery Channel


-Comics, a huge smorgasborg of titles! -works from H.P. Lovecraft -my gaming guides -my source books -my school texts -some works from Robert E. Howard (Conan books) -Ben Bova's Mars -R.A. Salvatore's Demonwars -Frank Herbert's Dune -Innumeracy by John Allen Paulos -Edgar Rice Burrough's Martian novels -works from Richard Laymon -works from Keven J. Anderson


-Carl Sagan -Stephen Hawking -George S. Patton -Michio Kaku -Mírzá ?usayn-..Alí Nuri (AKA Bahá'u'lláh) -The Prophets -The Alamo Defenders -Benjamin Franklin -Vin Disel -Will Smith -Chuck Norris -Steve Irwin -The 300 -numerous peace-mind reformists -numerous civil rights fighters -numerous environmentalists -numerous military heroes -my teachers

My Blog

Stop Global Warming, Fix the Economy, Green Jobs Now!

..http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm15c3BhY2UuY29tL2 dwdXM="> src="http://usa.greenpeace.org/newsletterimages/topemail_ban ner.jpg" />Hi Friends,Are you ready for green jobs now? As our...
Posted by Wandering Stargazer on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 09:22:00 PST

Help me find game profiles

I know that World of Warcraft has an official myspace page for itself but I'm having trouble finding profiles for others.  Can anyone help me? Remember: I buy PC, Playstion, and Xbox games.
Posted by Wandering Stargazer on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 07:59:00 PST

Zodiac Constellations

I recently read in a book an interesting way to remember the constellations of the zodiac. ATGCLVLSSCAP A Tense Gray Cat Lay Very Low, Sneaking Slowly, Contemplating A Pounce. (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, ...
Posted by Wandering Stargazer on Wed, 23 Jul 2008 09:50:00 PST

R.I.P. Michael Turner

Another tragedy occurred recently. One of the greatest artist in the comic industry, Michael Turner, passed away.  He will be forever missed.
Posted by Wandering Stargazer on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 01:15:00 PST

my picture albums

In case you were wondering why a number of the pictures I've posted feature "(not my work)" the reason why is because I don't want to be accused of plagerism and many of the pictures are one I've down...
Posted by Wandering Stargazer on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 11:02:00 PST

P.A.N.I.C.S Episode 4

P.A.N.I.C.S Episode 4 last part...
Posted by Wandering Stargazer on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 08:27:00 PST

P.A.N.I.C.S Episode 3

P.A.N.I.C.S Episode 3 ...
Posted by Wandering Stargazer on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 08:26:00 PST

P.A.N.I.C.S Episode 2

P.A.N.I.C.S Episode 2 the second part...
Posted by Wandering Stargazer on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 08:25:00 PST

P.A.N.I.C.S F.E.A.R. Machinima

P.A.N.I.C.S Episode 1 This is so funny...
Posted by Wandering Stargazer on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 08:23:00 PST

Own my friends

I have this new application that's called "own your friends" but I can seem to get it to work. Can anyone help?
Posted by Wandering Stargazer on Tue, 27 May 2008 12:50:00 PST