- Wrestling
- Video Game (Retro-Gaming, RPG, The Final Fantasy Series)
- Watchin' good movies
- Computer
- Trading Card Game : Magic The Gathering
- Metal
- 50's 60's 70's & 80's (International)
- Classic (Especially Original Soundtrack from Video Games)
- Noise - Lynyrd Skynyrd
- Quentin Tarantino
- Shinya Tsukamoto (Tetsuo, Denchu Kozo No Boken, A Snake of June)
- Takashi Miike (Visitor Q, Dead or Alive)
- John Woo (Bullet in the Head, The Killer, A Better Tomorrow, ect ...)
-The Star Wars Anthology
-Johnny Mnemonic (based on Willam Gibson's short story)
- TV Sux ..
- Stephen King (It, The Stand, The Mist ...)
- Sci-fi and Fantastic Book
- Cyber Punk : Neuromancian - William Gibson
- Philosophy (Descartes, Nietzche)
- Philip K. Dick
- Dynamite Kid
- Tiger Mask
- Kobashi Kenta
- Misawa Mitsuharu
- Hulk Hogan