Ask me.I'm into alot of different things!I've got several different groups,and you are welcome to join any or all of them.Follow the rules,and contribute.I have several websites for women who are in violent relationships. 1.) news and research on domestic violence. 2.) an overview of OVW (Office of Violence against Women) and access to information related to crimes of domestic violence,sexual assault,and stalking.It also provides resources for victims. 3.) website has a toll-free number as well.1-800-799-SAFE.This website was started by Senator Joe Biden of Delaware.Check out his myspace profile.I've got a group on hotmail.The address is [email protected] group has direct links to all of the websites I could find about domestic violence.
Steve Irwins Friends and family.If they're anything like him,they live life well.I would also like to meet Patrick Stewart,since he could tell me so much about stage acting.I would really like to meet Stephen Hawkings.Albert Einstein would've been cool to meet,too.People who can teach me something I don't know are people I would like to meet,too.
Oldies,Rock-n-Roll,Heavy Metal,even some classical and jazz,big band,and almost everything in between
National Treasure,Air Force One,any Star Trek and Star Wars,Pale Rider.... lot's of others,too.
Crocodile Hunter,Battlestar Galactica,House,ANY Star Trek
my Bible,anything from the Shannara series by Terry Brooks,books on the Intelligence Community.Anything I haven't read interests me.
My dad and step-dad.