Tracey profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am the mother of 4 gorgeous daughters, and the wife of an incredible man with the best heart & soul I ever met. Words to describe me..On a good day... Honest, Hardworking, Funny, Sarcastic(kind of strange I put this in the Positive, Quikwitted, Animated, Trusting..(not always the best quality,when taken advantage of) Caring, Giving, Spiritual, Strong, Sexy, Competitive yet Easygoing, Confident, Compassionate & Openminded. On the Negative side...on occassion I have been known to be: Cynical, Lazy(that would be the easygoing part of me), Oblivious, Critical(this would be the confident or as some may say Bossy side of me), Procrastinator, A Door slammer!, Outspoken, the peacekeeper(not good for my sake!)...did I mention I'm modest and humble too! LOL...oh yeah I almost failed to mention occassionally forgetful....To be continued I'm sure!

My Interests

Family, Friends, Music, Harleys(the sound of a Harley is just another form of music to my ear!), Fitness, & collecting antique sterling silver. Trying my best to improve awareness on the downfall and degeneration of our society as a whole! It's truly an easy fix, It's not complicated. It's the Golden Rule, pretty simple. *********************** Moms and Dads, its up to us, we could change the world if we were unselfish & didn't do what was easy, but did what was right...Be parents FIRST, the friend part, that will come later, after the hard part is done! Believe me they will love you for it and so will every other person that that childs life touches. Kind of a snowball effect, but with sugar coating! :)

I'd like to meet:


Everything from Techno Metal to Classical. I can appreciate most all different genres of music. Korn, Sixx AM, Black Label Society Rock! My love is definately Rock & Roll, old, new, unknown. It's really kind of sad when people can't open their minds to just listen to new stuff. It's fun trying to stay on the cutting edge, one step ahead of the airwaves!Radio can be so boring. Bad Co., ZZ Top, Led Zeplin, Thin Lizzy, Ozzy, & Aerosmith just to name a few run deep in my memory of skipping school and raising the kind of hell my mother always said would come back to me one day...but come on man,4 fold?? I wasn't that bad was I ???????


True Romance,if you've not seen it, see it,it's based on the second half of the book Natural Born Killers. Definatly not a chick flick. Blow,Forest Gump, Shawshank Redemption,What lies Beneath, The Green Mile, Beaches, White Oleander, Legends of The Fall, Tombstone, Thelma and Louis, Almost be continued..


I'd prefer to live without it. My family on the other hand couldn't handle that. I occasionally watch the Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, The Comedy Channel,& Discovery Health.


*This Much I Know is True...800+ pgs. I got to know the characters of this book so well, when I was finished reading it, I felt like I was going to miss them...weird.. right? *White Oleander..Not a feel good book, but I loved it. *The Heroin Diaries..Unbelievably Intense!! Unbelievably inspiring. *The Notebook..I cried like a baby the last 50 pages. *All Dean Koontz books!


My 3 grown daughters ages 20,22,and 24...We've have had a tough time growing up. I say we, because I feel I grew up with them. Despite my life f!*k ups, they have grown into women I am so proud of. Sometimes I look at them and can't believe they're mine. I guess I did something right, I couldn't possibly be that lucky to have three turn out so well! Last but not least, is my one little precious birdie still in my nest. 9 year old Lia who was my surprise sent straight from heaven. I couldn't imagine life without her. She has allowed me to find a strength within myself that I never knew I had & to do the things I never thought I could. To her I say Thank You!