Neil profile picture


If at first you don't succeed, don't try skydiving...

About Me

People have a series of life-changing events. One of the most significant for me occurred during the Summer of 1981 when a good friend of mine brought his "Moving Pictures" tape from Rush over the house. When I heard "Tom Sawyer", I knew from that moment I wanted to be a bass player. And what a trip it's been!!!I work with a number of recording artists and I also perform with orchestras for commuity theater for a couple of production companies in New Jersey. I've found the community theater experience to be VERY rewarding - please support your local production companies. A LOT of hard work goes into these productions. The people who put them together and the actors themselves are VOLUNTEERS.While we're on the topic of volunteering, that would be another significant event. My brother belonged to the local volunteer fire company during the '80s. He invited me to stop at the station one night to meet the guys. On the way there, I saw them rushing out to a call, so I followed. I was mesmerized how well the company worked as a team to save the house - I knew I wanted to be part of that team. I joined on my 18th birthday and I've been answering calls since then. PLEASE support your local fire company and emergency resque squad - either by volunteering or providing financial support. They can't do it on their own.

My Interests

Firefighter, musician, bass player, boating and books.

I'd like to meet:

All the bass players who have influenced me (who are still with us): Geddy Lee, Chris Squire & John Paul Jones. Some more musicians: T-Bone Wolk, Leland Sklar, G.E. Smith, Billy Joel, Curt Smith, Roland Orzabal, Mark Mothersbaugh. There are MANY others, but these stand out. From the world of firefighting, Dennis Smith and Denis Leary.Angelina - when Brad's out of the picture, I'm ready!! ;-)


Bass player since age 14. Influences: Jaco Pastorius / Geddy Lee / John Entwhistle / Chris Squire / Lee Sklar / T-Bone Wolk. Professional Affiliations: Red Mountain Records of Hong Kong; Suite 16 Studios; HTC Productions. Artist Affiliations: RiverStone / Sumlaam; Neil Cousin; Christopher Welch; Vikki Vaughn. You can hear my work at


The Band of Brothers DVD box set is one of my most prized possessions. Backdraft (of course), The Godfather series, The Negotiator, The Fugitive / US Marshalls, The Shawshank Redemption and Good Will Hunting. The list is much larger, but these stand out.


Rescue Me (I know, go figure...), American Idol, House, Sopranos, Brothers & Sisters and Boston Legal.


Dreamcatcher, Alien (the original), Report From Engine Company 82, The DaVinci Code and just about anything that Tom Clancy and James Patterson have written.


People who do heroic things and don't expected to be considered heroes for doing them. I hold a deep heartfelt respect for all of the veterans who have made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our way of life. A mother on her own who works full-time and still makes time to keep her family together and feeling loved is a hero in my book.

My Blog

New Project - RiverStone

Hey folks! I'm working with an artist in Hong Kong named RiverStone and I'm providing bass lines for some of his songs.  We've put a few songs together.  "What You Gonna Do" is our most rece...
Posted by Neil on Thu, 22 May 2008 02:26:00 PST