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Musician and sound editor, radio dj (DJITTER·)... Nowadays living half-way between Guadalajara, where he was born 32 years ago, and tWorld. He played in places and festivals as important as: "Batofar" Club in Paris 2002, LEM Festival 2002/03 (BCn) "M.A.C.B.A." Museum (Bcn) ExperimentaClub 2002/04 in Madrid, Observatori 2001 in Valencia, Confluencias Festival 2002/2003 Huelva, "La Casa Encendida" in Madrid, Palacco Duccale in Lucca Italia, Club Maria Am Ufer in Berlin Escena Contemporanea 2005 madrid, Universidad de Zaragoza 2006 etc. He received in 2001 the first International award of Electroacoustic Music for the masterpiece "Modo Aleatorio", organised in Spain by S.G.A.E. Resident artist of Gracia Territori Sonor collective in Barcelona during 2002. Follower of the "Residualism" theory, "Post digital music", "Static environments", "Pure listening", "Electoacustic Process". He bases all his music in the manipulation of the digital audio and displacement of many field records and the possibilities of chances and error as a factor of the music. His music is organic and develops, it denotes a great use of the new technologies mainly in the experimental software use. With special attention to the Real time processes.... As an enthusiast of the use of various names for develop his work. He has published some CD-Roms under the names Games Addiction, Tricome, Kimberly Klark, D. Moratilla, . His cds usually has an interactive track where he has collaborated with many artists of Video and Loops collections.
Sound for instalations:
"Carrer Virtual" Fiestas gracia 2002
"Car" present in Observatori 2001
Audio Works:
Kimberly Klark: "Reverse Mode" Grain Size EP
Games Addiction: "Random Movements" Plataforma-ltw LP-Video
Games Addiction: "M.G.S. 1.0" TR
Games Addiction: "Discos Noise comp" discosnoise TR
Tricome: "PK 13-14" Grain Size EP Video
Tricome: "Rizophon" Grain Size EP
D. Moratilla and Fabel: "Reworks for R. S." Grain Size EP
D: MOratilla: "FRee & Tapas" "ConFluencias Cd-Rom" TR+Video D. Moratilla; "B!as: 2003 Comp." Etat Lab TR
D. Moratilla: "Mirando a traves de la ventana" Grain Size LP Video
D. Moratilla : " Compilation" TR
Fabel vs Kimberly Klark: "Sound Sketches 01" Synergy networks EP
D. Moratilla: "La Casa Microscopica Compilation" Montgorecords TR
Games Addiction. "Francisco Lopez Absolute Noise Ensemble" Blossoming Noise TR
D. Moratilla: "Out of _Room" Grain Size LP Video
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