We Are Professional Doorgirls (and boys!)
Available *TONIGHT and EVERYNIGHT* for Shows and Parties!
TORONTO DOORGIRL COLLECTIF is a PROFIT SHARING COLECTIVE EFFORT to link responsible doorgirls and boys with DIY bands, clubs and parties.
We are your resource for reliable, accountable, and responsible doorpersons.
-We Are Exceptional, Professional, and ensure that the maximum amount is properly collected at your door!Currently we are a Collectif of SEVEN Doorpersons available any night of the week!
-12 years of club and band experience.
-Available for parties or gigs of any genre, anytime or place, and our fee is flexible and resonable for small and DIY parties.
*We Calculate Our Rates Based on 4 Factors*
1) Club Capacity (Not Attendance)
2) Time
3) Duties (Doorgirl Duties are Collecting Cover, Stamping hands, and handing out items offered with payment of Cover (Drink tix, Flyers, etc.)
4) Cover Charge
BASE RATES @ $5-10 Cover
000-150 Capacity/ 4 hours/= $50
151-200 Capacity/ 4 hours/= $65
201-300 Capacity/ 4 hours/= $80
300+ Capacity/ 4 hours/= $Negotiable-Contact Us!
*Less than 4 hours or under 100 people=message us for lower rates!
*Cover Charges over $10=Rates Negotiable
How To?
1) Contact us
[email protected] or call/text message 416.550.4292
2) We set you up with a Collectif doorperson
3) You pay your Doorperson at the party. That's It!
*Book in advance for upcoming or regular events!*
[email protected] or call/text message 416.550.4292
Thanks and please spread the word!!
Toronto Doorgirl Collectif