%D%A%D%AIt seems to be quite cliche these days, but I'm bisexual. For the most part I like women, but every once in a while I like to play with a nice big penis. Be careful though guys, I can get most of what I want from other girls, so if your penis ain't nothin' special, I'm probably going to laugh at it.
%D%A%D%AOk so, after a few days of having a myspace I discovered that I should set some ground rules. If you want me to add you, here are some rules:
%D%A%D. Read my entire profile.
%D. Message me first, then I'll add you if I see fit.
%D. Use proper spelling and punctuation.
%D. Treat me with respect.
%D. Treat me with respect.
%D. Guys with big penises won't get added just because they have a big penis, you also have to TREAT ME WITH RESPECT.
%D. If I reject you, don't send me a message saying "dUdE wHy NoT u FrIeNd Me MaN?"
%D. My last name is Mogan.
%D. And most important of all:
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