Bosnian Metal profile picture

Bosnian Metal

Under One Flag - temoporary very busy!

About Me

This is a profile where you can find metal bands from Bosnia and Hercegovina. The intent is to spread their music, and to get them collectively in contact with other bands.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4TEMPORARY I'M VERY BUSY, HELLOVA BUSY. SO, IF YOU DON'T GET A RESPONSE FROM ME, IT'S DUE TO BEING UNABLE TO DO SO. BUT IF YOU LEAVE US A COMMENT, WE WILL LEAVE YOU ONE TOO, AND THAT'S A FACT!!! SO, I WILL ADD ALL METAL BANDS, METAL AND COOL PEOPLE, AND IF YOU HIT US BY, I WILL BE SO KIND TO DO SO TOO!CHEERS!!!----------------------------------!!!ATTENTION! !!--------------------------------------To bands & people who wanna add us - if you are fuckin' Emo or some other gay shit, please do yourself a favor, and kill yourself, 'cause Emo shit is gay, and we don't have nothing in common with any similar crap. DON'T EVEN THINK OF ADDING US, OR TRYING TO CONTACT US!!! This is a Metal bands profile, Emo is neither Metal, nor is it music in general. It's gay and everybody listening to that kind of music deserves to get beaten black and blue, and sodomized by Rocco Siffredi. The is same for people with SET TO PRIVATE MySpace profiles - eat shit and die!All other bands, be it Rock or Metal, and all other people, not being Nazis or fags, morons and religious fanatics, are welcome :D I hope I have been clear.Cheers to all of you!

My Interests


Member Since: 9/30/2006
Band Members:

Sounds Like: ISK Webzine soon with more infos about bh. metal bands
Type of Label: None

My Blog

FLATLINE (SA/HC) on tour in august

Bosnian Hardcore Metallers FLATLINE (SA/HC) are on tour this August. Check out the dates and hit the places!4.8.PRAG6.8 TEPLICE8.8 PARDUBICE9.8 SCHWEINFURT support MADBALL nyc10-12.8 MUNCHEN http://w...
Posted by Bosnian Metal on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 05:16:00 PST

AGONIZE (bih) + OBSCURA (ger) on tour this autumn

Bosnian Melodic Death Metallers will be hitting the road this autumn with Germany's Brutal Deathers Obscura for a big tour! Check out the dates and get to see the shows.ยป 07.September 2007 Athen, Gree...
Posted by Bosnian Metal on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 05:13:00 PST

VADER GAZI SARAJEVO 05.12.06 - a few pics from the event!

Ok, all people, pay some attention now:Here is a link to a black man's site , having uploaded some pics from the last nights gig in Sarajevo, of VADER FUCKING VADER!!!CHECK IT OUUUUUUUUUUUUT!!!VADER ...
Posted by Bosnian Metal on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 06:55:00 PST

KRV news - official KRV website & myspace profile online

We are proud to announce that finest bosnian black metal act went online yesterday on Friday the 13th!We are talking about band named KRV! Remember this name, ladies and gentlemen, cause this is pure ...
Posted by Bosnian Metal on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 08:04:00 PST

News from Motherpig (Piggysh Grindcore)

Some Latest News from Motherpig's Lair....Have just completed my part for Psychopelic Porn Hellicinations 10 Way Split. Split will be released very soon!Motherpig's label D-Tape no longer exists due t...
Posted by Bosnian Metal on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 03:22:00 PST