*First off...i would like to thank and bless anyone who visits my page and continues to support my movements...whether it be my music, my nightlife promotions in LA...endless future goals that i work hard every day to achieve...i appreciate any love and will definately return it...the names kompownd...real name Bryan Stuart
*For guestlist info for my weekly events and special events at the hottest clubs in LA hit me up...I try my best to keep current flyers posted...every night i got a party crackin somewhere so just ask about it...
*Music is a major part of my life...it puts me in the zone i need to be and gives me the ability to release the energy i need to release...i continually put new tracks up...and continue to strive to write and record better tracks...so keep comin thru and peep the masterpieces...
*Recent revelations has triggered a journey into my spirituality (what is spiritual i call universal) begining with understanding 'the secret', gaining control over my thoughts and feelings, instant universal powers...i believe i have psychic telepathic powers which are connected to my creative processes...im on a quest for knowledge, ancient wisdom...currently studying subjects such as, the Kabbalah, King Solomon, Ancient Egypt, Divine Magic, Meditation, Ascention, Astrology, Occult, Alchemy, Knights Templar...open to all subjects that can enhance my universal knowledge...
*My ethnicity i believe to be decended from kings and spiritual elites...my fathers side is Hebrew with roots from Russia and Scottland...my last name Stuart is linked to the Stuart Royalty of Scottland 'the Earls of Moray' and possibly to the Holy Grail...my mothers side is French...royalty of course! I do not isolate myself to the guidelines of any traditional religious system...im universal!
*kompownd by my definition is the foundation, the structure for what i build myself in life...the meaning of kompownd is also related to castles, i spell it kastle...where i dwell is my kastle/the kompownd...as i grow in success and knowledge the kompownd with grow and be built to perfection...
*for more about me this is what i got to say...
"I'm a king, building my kastle"..."holdin it down is my claim to fame"... "music, love, peace, and success...thats what im about"...
"i stay in control of my mind body and soul"..."my thoughts and my feelings lead to my destiny"..."i stay positive the more i give the more i'll get"..."i love those who love me..i respect people that hate me"..."i love beautiful women...beauty goes deeper than the physical"..."im spiritual not religious...believe in a universal power"..."i need money to survive...so im always trying to make money"..."im a hustler...a man of many trades".."its all about the energy"..."feel me"