John Belushi, Marlon Brando, Ola Brunkert, Eric Carr, Kurt Cobain, Howard Cosell, Kevin Dubrow, Pete Farndon, Fred Hampton, Owen Hart, Hawk(Michael Hegstrand), Mitch Hedberg, James Honeyman-Scott, J.J. Jackson, Arthur "Killer" Kane, Andy Kaufman, Sam Kinison, Tom Landry, Roddy McDowall, Carmen Medeiros, Tony Medeiros, Freddie Mercury, Thurman Munson, Bleeding Gums Murphy, Carol O'Connor, Brian Pillman, Dee Dee Ramone, Charles Nelson Reilly, George Rhoads, Randy Rhoads, Mister Rogers(Fred Rogers), Mark St. John, Samantha Smith & Wendy O. Williams
"EL STUMPO, INS N OUTS & THE OTHER SPOT", "ABBA: The Movie", "Batman"(1966), "Beverly Hills Cop", "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure", "Boogie Nights", "Can't Stop The Music", "Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes", "Dazed & Confused", "DC Cab", "Fast Times At Ridgemont High", "Ferris Bueller's Day Off", "Harold & Maude", "Head", "Joysticks", "King Of New York", "KISS Meets The Phantom Of The Park"(it's actually a t.v movie, not a theatrical movie but, I feel it fits better in this category, than in the "television" category....why did I give this such a long explanation?), "Little Miss Sunshine", "Night Of The Living Dead", "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure", "Planet Of The Apes", "Pulp Fiction", "Rocky", "Saturday Night Fever", "Slacker"(1991), "Spaceballs", "Spiceworld", "Star Wars", "Staying Alive", "Student Bodies", "Suburbia"(1984), "Superman II", "Thank God It's Friday", "The Blair Witch Project", "The Blues Brothers", "The Decline Of The Western Civilization", "The Endless Summer", "The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh", "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre", "The Warriors", "The Wizard Of Oz", "Wayne's World" & "Xanadu"
"THE CLARENCES ABC Afterschool Special", "THE CLARENCES Prime Time Variety Show", "An All-Star Salute To THE CLARENCES", "SUPER SHARK The Animated Series", "All In The Family"(1971-1975 episodes), "Beavis & Butt-head", "Doctor Who"(Tom Baker era), "Happy Days(1974-1975 episodes), "Jonny Quest", "Keeping Up Appearances", "King Of The Hill", "Kids Are People Too", "Late Night With David Letterman"(1980's era), "Leave It To Beaver", "Mister Roger's Neighborhood", PBS's morning and early afternoon 'Agency for Instructional Television' programs("Think About" & others)from the 1970's & 1980's, "Reno 911", "Sanford & Son", "Sesame Street"(1970's era), "ShaNaNa", "Super Friends(Wendy, Marvin & Wonderdog era), "Taxi", "The Brady Bunch", "The Colbert Report", "The Dick Van Dyke Show", "The Electric Company", "The Great Space Coaster", "The Joy Of Painting With Bob Ross", "The Mary Tyler Moore Show"(1970-1974 episodes), "The Monkees", "The Muppet Show", "The New Zoo Review", "The Office"(US version), "The Simpsons"(1989-1995 episodes), "The Young Ones", "3-2-1 Contact", "Wait Till Your Father Gets Home", "Welcome Back Kotter" & "W.K.R.P. In Cincinnati"
"The Unauthorized Biography of THE CLARENCES: If they were meant to have patience, then God would of made them into a hospital", "THE NIHILIST volumes 1, 2 & 3", "SUPER SHARK the graphic novel"
ABBA/Access program/action figures of the 60’s, 70’s & 80’s/Adam & The Ants/Herb Albert & The Tijuana Brass/Alcatraz/Alcoa presents “Fantastic Finishesâ€/“All In The Familyâ€(1971-1975)/Amoeba Records/analogies/Aqua Marine/arcade games(70’s-early 80’s)/archaeology/Arkwright/Atari 2600/ A.W.O.L., A.F.O.L. & A.B.O.L./Bananas(70’s-early 80’s)/Barney/Bear Recordings/Bee Gees/“Beverly Hills Copâ€/Bigfoot/“Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventureâ€/Hal Blaine/body surfing/“Boogie Nightsâ€/Bradlees/buildings & houses built before World War II/Cali/“Can’t Stop The Musicâ€/“Captain Kangarooâ€/cars built before 1975/Casino Arcade in Santa Cruz, California/celebrity graves/Chace/Cheap Trick/Chief St. Germaine’s “master homey internationalâ€/Child World/Circus(70's-mid 80's)/classic sport uniforms/“Coast To Coast AM with George Nooryâ€/Cobra Commander/Cove Discount/Cuten/Russell Dabney/Dallas Cowboys(Tom Landry era)/“Dazed & Confusedâ€/DC Comics(up until 1991)/defunct sports leagues(AAFC, ABA, AFL, ASL, CFL, NASL, USFL, WFL, WHA, WTT)/Detroit Pistons(Bad Boys & 2000’s era)/Dex Terex/Disco(1974-1980)/Dynamite(70’s-early 80’s)/EBAY/Eden Community Support Center/80’s rap/Electric Football League(E.F.L.)/Electric Light Orchestra/“El Stumpo, Ins N Outs & The Other Spotâ€/Ethiopian, Indian, Korean, Mexican & Thai food/Exodus/famous character actors/Fantastic Comics/“Fast Times At Ridgemont Highâ€/flea markets/Max & Dave Fleischer cartoons/Roosevelt Franklin/Fred/garage, rummage & yard sales/Georgia/giant squids/Guillotine/Michael G. Hagerty/Hanna-Barbera/“Harold & Maudeâ€/“Headâ€/Heavy Metal(70’s-mid 80’s)/Hit Parader(70's-mid 80's)/Homer’s “Odysseyâ€/Houston Oilers/In-N-Out/“In Search Of…â€/Billy Joel/Jack Johnson(early 20th century boxer)/“Jonny Questâ€/KABL/“Kids Are People Tooâ€/“King Of New Yorkâ€/Kiss/K-Tel/Kungphooey/Kungphooey Comics/“Late Night With David Lettermanâ€(80’s era)/Liberace/limes on food/“Little Miss Sunshineâ€/Loch Ness Monster(Nessie)/Lucy/Madness/major to minor chord progressions/Marketcom sport posters of the 70’s & early 80’s/Mars Bargainland/Marvel Comics(up until 1988)/Meco/Mego/mental growth and stimulation/Mick/Midnight/“Mister Roger’s Neighborhoodâ€/M I White & MCB/Mongoose bikes(early 80’s)/M.P.G./Thurman Munson/Eddie Murphy/my daughter, Emily/NBC's “Saturday morning fever is on the rise on NBC†late 70’s Saturday morning cartoon programming theme song/New Kids On The Block/New York Yankees(70’s era)/NFL Action Team Mates action figures made by Pro Sports Marketing in the 70’s/NFL Films music from the 60's, 70's & early 80's with John Facenda's voice/“Night Flightâ€/“Night Of The Living Deadâ€/1970’s/19th century literature/“North Dallas Fortyâ€(book & movie)/Oak Island Money Pit/Ocean Pacific clothing(early 80’s)/Park Street Bobcats/ PBS's morning and early afternoon “Agency for Instructional Television†programs(“Think About†& others)from the 70's & 80's/“Pee-Wee’s Big Adventureâ€/photography & photoshop/“Pleasure Beach†by Hall & Oates/pop culture bed sheets, board games, clothing, lunchboxes, pillowcases, towels, toys & trading cards/Princess Ardella/promotional copy l.p.’s/Providence Steamroller/“Pulp Fictionâ€/Quarter Football League(Q.F.L.)/Queen/Ralph/Randy Rhoads/secret scenes at the end of the movie credits/Seth Riggs/“Rockyâ€/Rodman/roller skating/Ronco/Ruff-Ruff/Salt/Saltmarsh’s/Samantha Jane/Samuel S./“Saturday Night Feverâ€/secret scenes at the end of the movie credits/Sega Genesis/Serious Seagull/ShaNaNa/Shel Silverstein’s “The Giving Tree†& “Where The Sidewalk Endsâ€/60’s dance styles/“Sky High†by Jigsaw/“Slackerâ€(1991)/slate gravestones made before 1800/Samantha Smith/snow globes/Sol/Sparks(70's era)/Spice Girls/Star Store/“Star Warsâ€/“Staying Aliveâ€/Stony Curtis/“Suburbiaâ€(1984)/Donna Summer/“Super Friendsâ€(Wendy, Marvin & Wonderdog era)/Super Shark/Alan Swartzberg/“Taxiâ€/television theme songs from the 60's & 70's/The Bleu Canadians/“The Blues Brothersâ€/“The Brady Bunchâ€/The Clarences/“The Decline Of The Western Civilizationâ€/“The Endless Summerâ€/“The Fish That Saved Pittsburghâ€/“The Great Space Coasterâ€/“The Human Comedy†by William Saroyan/The Monkees/“The New Zoo Reviewâ€/The Phantoms/“The Planet Of The Apesâ€/The Ramones/“The Simpsonsâ€(1989-1995)/The Steinharts/The Tavares/“The Texas Chainsaw Massacreâ€/The Turkeyheads/The Turtlenecks/“The Warriorsâ€/“The White Shadowâ€/The Who/“The Young Onesâ€/Thor/“This Week In Baseball†music in the opening & ending credits/“3-2-1 Contactâ€/thrift stores/Thrift Town/Tim Gunn/Topps Sports Bubblegum Cards(50's-80's)/Toxic Shock/John Travolta/“20,000 Leagues Under The Sea†by Jules Verne/used bookstores/Village People/Walla Walla Walruses/Washington State Basketball League(W.S.B.L.)/water slides/“Wayne’s Worldâ€/WBOB/“Welcome Back Kotterâ€(Travolta era)/White Gunn/“WKRP In Cincinnatiâ€/Will C. Wood School/Woolco/Woolworth's/World Wrestling Federation(late 70's - late 90's)/writing, recording & performing music/“Xanaduâ€/Yeast Infection/Zayre's/Z.Z./Zodiac Killer unsolved case/Zoltar