About Me
Hydrate offers full bar service, featuring a variety of drinks competitively priced with other popular Halsted Street establishments. Customers can look forward to plenty of drink specials, frozen cocktails, delicious martinis and assorted bottled and tap beers. Thirsty club-goers can plan to leave Hydrate quenched and wanting more!
Hydrate breaks into two atmospheres: first, a cool blue design with large windows opening to both Halsted and Cornelia provides patrons with a breezy atmosphere for the early hours. Hydrate's second room reflects a more fiery personality: the bright red décor accentuates the unique, freeform dance space illuminated by intelligent lighting and bolstered by a powerful sound system. The windows in both rooms open up to Halsted for early hours customers. As the evening progresses, the glass-windowed garage doors roll down to seal in the sound, creating a full-on late-night club environment.
In the summer months, Hydrate keeps Halsted Street cool in a very unique way! Our awnings feature a light misting system that sprays onto the sidewalk below.
3458 N Halsted St - Chicago, IL - 773.975.9244