DJ culture, music, music production, radio commercial production, playing insturments like guitar, drums, keyboards, BMX racing, BMX history, fashion, movies, concept cars, Japanese car magazines, Japanese fashion magazines, comedy clubs, pho, sushi. test
Genuine, real people. Networking in the night club business or in the BMX industry. I'm in a relationship. Not interested in booty calls.
I'm universal. New school and old school hip hop, r & b, neo soul, house, trance, progressive, electronica, dance hall, jump up jungle, latin house, merengue, punk, alternative. 80's new wave, electro, freestyle, British pop, industrial, goth, hip hop, soul, funk, disco, hi nrg, emo, ska, root style reggae, jazz, classic rock and early 80's heavy metal.
JOE KID ON A STINGRAY, RAD, Sin City, Bourne Identity, Dogma, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Casino, Zoolnder, Vacation, Police Academy, Shining, Full Metal Jacket, The Terminator, Fight Club, Scarface, American Pie 3, Back to School, Harlem Nights, Shawshank Redemption, Batman Returns, Star Wars, Dusk Till Dawn. ..
Mad TV, Chappelle Show, Saturday Night Live, South Park, I Love The 80's, I Love The 70's. Inside The Actors Studio, Most Extreem Elimination Challenge. Law and Order, Simpsons, Anything that shows BMX racing.
Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, Rich Dad Poor Dad, How To DJ Right, Last Night A DJ Saved My Life. ------ Magazines like Snap, BMX Action, BMX Plus, Super BMX, ect.
Muhummad Ali, Bob "Oz" Osborn, Greg Hill, Richie Anderson, Dr. Maxwell Malts, Stanley Kubrick, Tim Burton