Icebox LytsAlrighty so i guess i should say a little bit about myself. My names Riley, my nicknames are Psych and Twich or Baby because for some reason people like to call me baby girl. I'm 16 and very smart. I'm a spoiled brat, most of the time i get what i want. I am a very unique person, most poeple would say I'm weird....i like blood, i have an obssession with horror movies, i collect bones and knives, and i do research on serial killers and such. I LOVE to sing and dance. I seriously dont think I'm pretty, no matter how much you try to tell me so fuck off. I don't really give a shit what people say and think about me. I'm my own person and thats not going to fuckin change for anyone. Ok, maybe i'll change a bit for Pyro or maybe even for my best friend Niccy but yea, no one else you fuckers. If you want to ask me something go ahead, im nice to everyone, unless i just...dont like you. Oh yea, add my yahoo IM: fetish_for_blood. RAWk ON BIOTCH.
((PYRO))Nice Shoes.......Wanna Fuck???