☆MONE☆ I WENT 2 SLEEP REAL... AND WOKE UP REAL profile picture



About Me

[Marital Status] single
[Shoe size] 8.5
[Parents still together] nope
[Siblings] yea, 3 brothas and 3 sistas
[Pets] nope
[Color] purple, red, and lime green
[Number] 31
[Animal] none cuz i hate em
[Drinks] kool-aid, chocolate milk, and citrus lipton green tea
[Soda] dr. pepper or sprite
[Color your hair?] yes
[Have tattoos?] nope but soon
[Have Piercings?] yea my ears
[Cheat on tests/homework?] all da time
[Drink/Smoke?] nope
[Like roller coasters?] nope cuz im afraid of hieghts, but i will ride on sum tho
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] yes, New York
[Want more piercings?] nah
[Like cleaning?] not really, but i have 2 cuz i aint no dirty person ya feel me
[Write in cursive or print?] print
[Own a web cam?] nah
[Know how to drive?] yep, got my permit and workin on my license
[Own a cell phone?] yep, workin wit a virgin mobile ya digg
[Ever get off the damn computer?] yea
[Been in a fist fight?] yea, and ima fool wit dese hands 4 all yall lame ass hoes out dere
[Considered a life of crime?] yea, i could b a drug dealer lol
[Lied to someone?] on a daily bases, sorry lord but im workin on dat! lol
[Been in love?] nope
[Made out with JUST a friend?] yea
[Been in lust?] yep
[Used someone] yea
[Been used?] nope, game recognize game ya digg
[Been cheated on?] Nah
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] lmao yep
[Stolen anything?] Yes
[Held a gun] Yes
[Current clothing] Pajamas
[Current mood] I Dont Give A Fuck Attitude
[Current taste] Chocolate
[What you currently smell like] Cucumber melon
[Current hair] Down
[Current thing I ought to be doing] Sleepin
[Current cd in stereo] Lil Boosie--- West Garfield Mixtape
[Last book you read] Chasing Destiny by Eric Jerome Dickey
[Last movie you saw] Friday
[Last thing you ate] Captian Crunch Berries
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Ma Big Sis Tam
[Do drugs?] not at all
[Believe there is life on other planets?] i onno it mite be
Remember your first love?] yes
[Still love him/her?] nah
[Read the newspaper?] yes, only 4 my horoscope
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] nope not dat i kno of, hopefully aint nobody i kno on da DL lol
[Believe in miracles?] yes
[Do well in school?] i stay on honor roll
[Wear hats] sometimes
[Hate yourself?] not at all
[Have an obsession?] yes, SHOES!!!
[Collect anything?] Shoes
[Have a best friend?] not really
[Close friends?] yes, Laclesha, Jasmine, and Demarcus
[Like your handwriting?] kinda
[Care about looks] yes
[First crush] dont rememba
[First kiss] Devarius Hill back in second grade lol
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] no
[Do you believe in "the one?"] yea
[Are you a tease?] lol yep
[Too shy to make the first move?] kinda
[Daydreamer] of course, wat do think i do n all my boring ass classes
[Bitch/Asshole] some people might think i am but dey aint real enuff 2 say it 2 my face ya digg
[sarcastic] yes
[Angel] 50%
[Devil] 50%
[Shy] jus a lil bit
[Talkative] nah
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I'd like to meet:

~A Survey About EVERYTHING~
~The Basics~
Name:: Symone
Age:: 16
Hair Color:: Brown
Eye Color:: Brown
Pet(s) & Their Name(s):: none
Birthplace:: Charlotte, NC
Nickname(s):: Mone, Monie, Money Mone, MoneMone
Most Widespread Nickname:: Mone
Height:: 5"7
Mood Right Now:: mad
Color:: Purple, Red, and Lime Green
Animal:: none
Number:: 31
Gum:: Cotton Candy Bubblicious
Sport:: Basketball
Season:: Winter
Candy:: Plain M&M's
Song:: Promise by Ciara
Actor:: Martin Lawrence
TV Show:: South Park
~This or That~
Morning or Evening:: Evening
Hugs or Kisses:: Hugs
Love or Money:: Y Not Both?
Movies or Music:: Both
Big Crowds or Little Crowds:: Little Crowds
Beach or Mountains:: Bith
Six Flags or Carowinds:: Carowinds!!! It's N my City
Percussion or Strings:: Strings
Piano or Guitar:: Piano
Skateboard or Skooter:: Skooter
Heels or Sneakers:: Sneakers
Black or White:: Black
Red or Green:: Red
Skittles or M&Ms:: M&M's
Sun or Moon:: Moon
Water or Fire:: Water
~Fill in the Blank from Old TV Shows~
Clarissa Explains _______.: It All
Are You Afraid __________?: Of The Dark
Kenan and _____.: Kel
Caitlin's _____.: Way
Different ________.: World
The Facts of ______.: Life
~Have You Ever~
Danced in the Rain:: Yep
Talked to Someone You Didn't Know on an IM:: lol All Da Time
Honked a Car Horn at Strangers:: Yep
Bunjee Jumped:: Nah
Done Something Illegal:: Hmmmm
Done Something You Regret:: Nah
Cried in a Full Theater:: Nope
Done Drugs:: Nope
Smiled for No Reason:: Yea lol
Thought About Something and Laughed Really Loud:: Yep lmao I Do Dat All Da time
Done Something Stupid in Front of Your Crush:: Yep
Gone to a Sports Camp:: Nah
Gone to ANY Camp:: Yea
Said Something No One Else Got:: lol Yea
Acted/Sang on Stage:: Nah
Talked in Front of a Large Group (EXcluding Oral Reports):: Nope
Had a Cavity:: No
Said Something That Others Took Wrong:: Yea
Been Told to Get Your Mind Out of the Gutter:: lol Hell Yea
Been in Love:: No
Fallen Down in Public:: Yep lol
Been Stupid in Front of a Lot of People:: Nope
Done Something Someone Said You Could Never Do:: Yep
~Do You~
Sing Well:: Kinda
Dance Well:: Yea
Take Drugs:: Nope
Get Embarrassed Easily:: Not Really
Consider Yourself a Morning Person:: Nope
Take Walks in the Rain:: Nope
Keep Your Promises:: Sometimes
Believe in Luck:: Yep
Like to Talk:: A Lil Bit
Speak Your Mind:: All Da Time, Dats Wat Makes Me ME!
Trust Others Easily:: HELL NAH!
~Movies & Music~
Best Movie You've Seen in Theaters Lately:: Dream Girls
Saddest Movie:: hmmm I Dunno
Cutest Movie:: I Dunno
Movie You Find Yourself Quoting Very Often:: Joe Dirt or Lean On Me
Ever Made Movies With Your Friends:: Nah
Radio Station You Listen to Most:: WPEG Power 98
Song Currently Stuck in Your Head:: J.E.E.Z.Y by Young Jeezy
Stupidest Song You've Heard Lately:: Fuck Yo Man by Tila Tequila
Song You Hear Most on the Radio:: Icebox
Have You Ever Wished Someone Would Die?: Sorry 2 Say But Yes, Im Sorry LORD
Do You Believe in Luck?: Haven't Dis ? Already Been Asked?
Would You EVER Skydive:: Hell No
Are You Conservative or Liberal?: Liberal
Do You Support the Death Penalty?: Nope
Do You Think There's Gold on the Other End of a Rainbow?: Lol Nope
What CD Have You Listened to Most Lately?: Lil Boosie's Bad Azz Volume 2
Have You Ever Held a Snake or Tarantula?: Nope and I Dont Plan On Doin It
Do You Like Scary Movies?: Yea
What's Your Pet Peeve?: People Smackin When Dey Eat, Liars, and Dirty Shoes
Do You Have a Type A Personality?: hmmm?
What Would YOU Do for a Klondike Bar?: Not A Damn Thang!!! lol
What's the One Thing You Would Bring With You to a Deserted Island?: Food
Would You Kill Someone if You Could Get Away With It?: Nah
Ever Been Tubing?: Yep
Drove a Jetski?: Nah
Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?: Nope
Would You EVER Cheat on Someone if You Could Get Away With It?: Been Dere And Dun Dat
Introvert or Extrovert?: Wats Dat?
Do You Like Big Crowds?: Nah
What's Your Favorite Quote from a Friend?: "Workin Wit A Monsta!" ----Phat
What Word Do You Use Too Much?: Blankin
Can You Sing Your ABC's Backward's?: Kinda
What's the Latest You've Ever Stayed Up?: 7am
Have You Ever Been Betrayed?: Yep
What's Your Greatest Strength(s)?: My Ability 2 Talk My Way Out Of Things
Weakness(es)?: None
Do You Laugh a Lot?: Hell Yea hehehe lol
Are You a Leader or a Follower?: Leader
Do You WANT to Be Like Everyone Else?: Nah
What's the Compliment You Receive Most?: "Damn Mone U Stay Wit Sum Fresh Kicks"
Insult?: Dont Recieve None Of Dem
Do You March to the Beat of You OWN Drummer?: Yep
Can You Talk Extremely Fast?: No
~Last Words~
What Are Your Last Words?: I Got Dis Myspace Shit On Lock Ya Digg, It's Ya Gurl Symone aka Mz. Freedom Dirve Reppin Dat Westisde Of Charlotte, NC,---- Get Wit It Or Get Lostt!!!!!!!!
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smoke nah
drink nope
drive yea
have glasses/contacts
have braces nope
play a sport basketball
get good grades all da time, i stay on honor roll ya digg
play an instrument yes, i play da viola
talk a lot nah
laugh at stupid stuff lol yea
write music yea
rap (or try 2) yea, i dont need 2 try cuz i can
feel lonely nope
have a cell phone yep, im got a virgin mobile audiovox snapper
sing good yep lol
have a lot of close friends yea
smoke nope
get drunk nope
get high nope
steal something nah
get/give head nah i dont give head at all
cheat on someone hmmm
lie 2 ur parents lol yea
get really mad at ur best friend nah
sneak out nah
get inna fight (fist or verbal ??) nah
use someone yep
prank call someone yea
make a new friend nah
get into a relationship nah
go shopping yea
have sex stay outta my bizness!!! lol
make-out with someone yea
do ALL ur homework lol nope
cut class yea
really embarass urself nah
flirt with someone really hot yep
try 2 holla at someone nah he tried 2 holla at me ya digg
type of music rap, hip hop, and r&b
singer/band beyonce, lil boosie, and lil wayne
sport basketball
tv show south park
movie scary movie 2
song exciting by lil boosie
class period 1st bcuz all i do is go 2 sleep 4 da whole period lol
teacher mrs. alexander
number 31
drink dr. pepper
food pizza
memory my old hood
color purple, red, and lime green
family member my cuzzo Sammie aka Fat
clothing brand dont have 1
sprite/7up sprite
gym/lunch lunch
belly button ring/nose ring neither
lip stick/lip gloss lip gloss
50 cent/jadakiss jada
rap/rock rap
dark/light light
night/day night
sleeping/eating both lol
yankees/red sox neither, i aint a baseball fan
city/country city
family/friends family comes 1st
computer/tv tv
music/books music
soda/juice both
falling in love/being a playa both
romantic night in/wild night out romantic night in
drinking/smoking neither
racism it will neva go away
school i gotta make da best of my education so i can go further with my life
stereotypes dat dey r sooo stupid and sooo wrong
drugs dey will b around 4eva so y not make em legal
relationships dey wont last without trust and honesty
teens these days dey r gettin crazier and crazier, all we r doin is killin ourselves, im tired of watchin da news and seein dat a teen dun shot anotha 1 ova nuthin
drugs dey will b around 4eva so y not make em legal
stress i dont think dat any1 shud get stressed out, jus let da LORD handle ur problems
traveling its great, its good 2 go and visit other countries and learn about different cultures
reading i dont like it dat much, but da book has 2 b very interesting 4 me 2 even read it
ur friends dey crazy
siblings dey r so agrivating, but hey dats my fam so i gotta stick wit em
death im scared 2 die but i kno erveryboddy gotta go sumday



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*10 Things*
List 10 Friends...
1.: Jasmine
2.: Laclesha
3.: My Cuzzo Byrd
4.: Daryl
5.: Chong
6.: Rodney
7.: Tiara
8.: David
9.: Demarcus
10.: Sharonda
List 9 of Your Favorite Movies...
1.: Scary Movie 2
2.: Juice
3.: Menace 2 Society
4.: Lean On Me
5.: Saw 2
6: Friday
7.: Friday After Next
8.: Dont Be A Menace In South Central While Drinking Your Juice
9.: Boys N Da Hood
List 8 Favorite Songs...
1.: Exciting by Lil Boosie
2.: My Struggle by Lil Boosie
3.: Smokin On Purple by Lil Boosie
4.: Dats Wat Dey Like by Lil Boosie
5.: Poppin by Chris Brown
6.: Signs by Beyonce
7.: How U Ridin by Webbie
8.: G Shit by Webbie
List 7 Favorite Bands...
1.: Destiny's Child
2.: Pretty Ricky
3.: 3 6 Mafia
4.: D4L
5.: Dem Franchize Boyz
6.: 112
7.: One Chance
List 6 of Your Heroes...
1.: GOD
2.: My Mama
3.: My Grandma(Gennie)
4.: My Sista (Tam)
5.: My Aunt (Sharon aka Lil Mama)
6.: *ME*
List 5 People You want to Meet...
1.: Lil Boosie
2.: Lil Wayne
3.: Lil Kim
4.: Steve Smith(Panthers)
5.: Monique Curry(Stings)
List 4 of Your Favorite things to do...
1.: Listen 2 Music
2.: Laugh
3.: Watch T.V.
4.: Write Poetry
List 3 of Your Friends that are Boys...
1.: David
2.: Demarcus
3.: Daryl
List 2 Of Your Friends that are Girls...
1.: Jasmine
2.: Laclesha
List Your Number 1 Best Friend...
1.: dont have 1
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My Blog

U Kno U Go 2 West Meck When.......... lol!

U Kno U Go 2 West Meck When.......... lol! West Meck (This is sooo true!) ~ WHEN THER R 30 FIGHTS N 1 WEEK~ A FIGHT BREAKES OUT & DA WHITE PEOPLE RUN AWAY AND DA BLACK PEOPLE RUN TO IT........
Posted by SYMONE: DEFiNiTiON OF MYSPACE FAMOUS!!!! on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 02:25:00 PST

wat it is ho

myspace thug?, i kno dat wasnt a shot @ me// cuz im as real as dey cum ho recognize my g// mad cuz @ skool i told u i aint feel like flowin// musta hurt ya feelins n got yo emotions goin// u say ya fl...
Posted by SYMONE: DEFiNiTiON OF MYSPACE FAMOUS!!!! on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 06:15:00 PST

im on sum real shit

when u say u pull triggas n buss caps, im like ho pleaz// bitch only time u''ll buss caps is if u broke both of ya knees//and hell yea freedom and toddville b my muthafuckin area//yea u talkin alotta ...
Posted by SYMONE: DEFiNiTiON OF MYSPACE FAMOUS!!!! on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 07:46:00 PST