Sport, Dance, Music, Art (drawing, painting, photography...), Radio
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i love beautiful melodies and vocals...i tend to fall in love with beautiful voices... i love singing...
classic, indie, acoustic, world music, rnb, hip hop, dnb, latin, reggae, jazz, nu-metal, punk, rock, grunge, narodna, ambiental, dance, house....a mood thing
The Big Blue, The Fountain, What Dreams May Come, Amelie, Sunshine on a spotless mind, Ace Ventura, Be Cool, Apocalypto, Matrix, The Lakehouse, Mulholland Drive, Donny Darko,The Last Unicorn, Godfather, Cube 1
Derren Brown, Scrubs, Malcolm in the middle, the Family Guy, American Dad, Simpsons/Futurama, Jackass, Drawn 2getha, Music Videos,(BBC) documentaries, anime...
Sophie's World (Gaardner), Bluebirds (David W Frasure), Memoairs Einer Geisha, The Masterkey System, Illusion, The Secret. psychology / philosophy themes (hmm... let me uni books ;op)
AUTHORS: Kafka, Poe, Goethe, Freud, Nietsche, Murakami, Wattles, Erikson, Josten Gaarder
my dad, brother and close family who are fighters and survivors. everyone who never stops fighting, who believes that EVERYTHING is achievable if the mind shows strength, who is ambitious, open minded, intelligent & kind...
Philosophers(Socrates, Diogenes, Confucius,Descartes, Kierkegaard,Simone deBeauvoir...), Scientists(Nikola Tesla,etc)