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Got Ghosts?

About Me

Judge Not or be Judged First!"
Why do I place this faith in humanity? Because I must. Without the belief that we will continue to grow and overcome the pains of social chaos as we mature as a species, we might as well not have any faith at all. I'm not talking religion (although that may or may not be a part in its current forms), but simply the same belief that we will survive just as much as the sun will rise the next day.
Hey folks! Welcome to my new and improved official Matthew Ostrowski "GhOstrowski" myspace page !
I am currently a Paranormal Investigator with the Strange Happenings Ghosts and Hauntings Research Society based in Eerie Erie Pennsylvania. You can check us out by clicking on the banner below.
One of my passions in life is the study of ghosts and hauntings. I lost my mother at the age of four so I guess you could say I was introduced to death early on in life. I also lost both my grandparents who had raised me at the age of fifteen. I would have to say that is my motivation for investigating. I do not want anyone to think I'm telling a pity story here because I am not! I am very happy with my life the way it is and if it wasn't for death I may not have the things I have today. Not saying I am happy with my losses in life, but at the same time I believe everything happens for a reason.
I love my family too death. I have one hell of a women. Shes beautiful, but bitchy (no pun intended). My two little hellions mean the world to me. They are five year old twin boys who are growing up way to fast. It seems like there just isn't enough time in the day to spend with them. I am currently working on that by cutting down on some unnecessary leisurely activities.
I enjoy collecting stuff. Nothing in particular. Usually Ill start on one thing and then start on another. Anything from toys to video games. I just like "junk" as my old lady would put it,lol. If you would like to see some of my "junk"
Its not all there yet, but I should be cleaning out my closet shortly and will have allot more up.
OK, I like the Oakland Raiders. Win, lose or tie, Raider Nation till I die! I grew up on football. I believe my grandfather chose the team because Fred Biletnikoff was born and raised here in Erie. If you don't know who he is, Ill tell ya. Fred Biletnikoff was a wide receiver with the Raiders. He is a Hall of Famer and is their current wide receiver coach.
When it comes to music my taste varies. I like Rap, Rock and even some Country. I guess it just depends on when, where and how I heard any particular song that gives it some kind of personal meaning.
I will most likely be a fan of wrestling till I die and maybe even after. Though I truly miss "my" golden years of WWF(late 80s early 90s era), I have come accustomed to the new aged WWE.
I enjoy drinking. Its no big secret. I mean come on its not like I'm an alcoholic, they go to meetings. That was just a joke, but seriously I basically like too have fun. You know? I however DO NOT use any drugs.
I am a big fan of Horror as well as comedies. Shallow Hal has to be my favorite movie of all time. That dude (Jack Black) is hilarious. Some of my favorite Horror flicks stem from the makings of George A Romero, Stephen King and John Carpenter.

My Interests

You are The Tower

Ambition, fighting, war, courage. Destruction, danger, fall, ruin.

The Tower represents war, destruction, but also spiritual renewal. Plans are disrupted. Your views and ideas will change as a result.

The Tower is a card about war, a war between the structures of lies and the lightning flash of truth. The Tower stands for "false concepts and institutions that we take for real." You have been shaken up; blinded by a shocking revelation. It sometimes takes that to see a truth that one refuses to see. Or to bring down beliefs that are so well constructed. What's most important to remember is that the tearing down of this structure, however painful, makes room for something new to be built

