Do yOu kNoW PuNkRoCk nOt dEaD.ThiS iS nOt style. ThiS iS nOt fashiOn. ThiS iS PuNk.
hEy hO !! mY nAmE iS ArMmY .
I'm SiCk & CrAzY OrdinArY.
I lOvE PuNkrOcK .
I lOvE ManchEstER unItEd fOotbALL cLuB.
hEy, I'm a siCkbOy.
Do yOU kNOw I LoVE CoDeInE PhOsPhatE & CoUgh sYrUp MeDiCinE mIx cOcA Cola. hahaha I lOvE it......+_O
??CodEinE, Oh CodEinE, I lOvE yOu iN mY bRaiNs??
??CodEinE, Oh CodEinE, I nEvER wAnt yOu AgaiN??
I waNt tO mEEt a nEw friEnd.
Oi!Oi!Oi! Oh....dOn't fOrgEt enjOy tO takE a drUg & gEt sOmE driNk befOre cliCk add mE !!!
Ok.. 555+ Let's gO! dRink dRank PuNk!!
NOw, mY LifE Is FuCkInG alOnE - !_! -
sEx dRuG & RoCk 'n' RoLL
Well, I can't believe that everyone is happy With the newest teen sensation carbon copy
I believe
I believe in the power of guitar & drum
I believe in the hope held in a song
I believe that the music makes you strong
I believe in the power of guitar & drum
I feel the break, feel the break, feel the break and I got live it out,oh, yea huh, well I swear that I. What I really wanna know, my baby, what I really want to say I can't define. that love make it go, my soul will have to...