I like running, riding my bike, going to shows, playing bass, reading, drinking tea, record shopping, the Cubs, and rum. I love those few minutes in the morning, after you first wake up but you're still not completely awake. When you're in the state of not knowing if you're awake or dreaming. When you actually believe that you still have both legs. I wish those moments could be made to stretch out for days . . .
People with two legs. REAL legs. I'm so tired of hanging out with the people from my Living With Your Prosthesis group. I want to meet people who want to have fun. People who are up for going to shows, a bike ride or just splitting a fifth of rum. People who aren't afraid of my fake leg or who won't mind if I happen to remove my prosthesis and use it as a prop for my comedy routine.
Anything that makes me run faster. Anything that helps me forget the fact that I only have one real leg.Lately, I've been into inchWorm, Curtis Evans, Ester of Ashland, Our Friends Electric, City Electric, Healthy White Baby, the Red Scare, and old Orange b-sides, demos, and outtakes.
I used to like M*A*S*H*. I just wish Hawkeye would have been there with his special vascular clamp to save my leg . . .
Some of my favorite books: Fields of Plenty, A Clockwork Orange, Black Elk Speaks, Things Fall Apart, In Search of the Miraculous, The Communist Manifesto, Notes from the Underground, Siddhartha, The Four Winds, Path Without Destination, Growing Up Absurd .......Anything by these guys: Salinger, Hunter S. Thompson, Huxley, Vonnegut, Steinbeck, Paul Goodman, Howard Zinn, G. I. Gurdjief
Basically anyone with two real legs, but especially Steve Prefontaine, Dr. Nelson (he saved my other leg from amputation), Gandhi, and Coach.