Architecture, art, astrology, astronomy, camping, canoeing, cats, climbing, computers, cooking, courtesy, culture, dancing, education, erotica, exploring, fantasy, fishing, flirting, friends, games, gardening, hiking, history, honesty, humanity, humor, imagination, intelligence, intimacy, kisses, language, laughter, learning, life, literature, love, loyalty, martial arts, massage, military, movies, museums, music, nature, open-minded people, outdoors, painting, philosophy, photography, poetry, politics, psychology, reading, religion, romance, science, science fiction, sketching, sleeping, sociology, swimming, theatre, travel, truth, wine, wisdom, wit, woodworking, writing.
Demidondes and doxies . . . or well . . . you'll do. *smiles*
I've always been at home with whomever and wherever I choose. Good people are good people, regardless of what they wear, where they hang out, what they do for a living, or what they do for fun.
Of course, if you are a demidonde or a doxie . . . even better. *grins*
Really, most anything... but among my favorites are:
Chris Isaak, the Cure, David Bowie, Delerium, Depeche Mode, Evanescence, INXS, Louis Armstrong, Natalie Imbruglia, Pavlo, POE, Sting, Tom Petty, and U2
Sappy Romantic Comedies, Suspense Thrillers, Romance/Drama, Action/Adventure... I like it all. But among my favorites are:
Boondock Saints
Finding Neverland
Gross Pointe Blank
Lawrence of Arabia
Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
The Lord of the Rings (all three)
The Matrix (all three)
The Secret of Nimh
I really don't watch much television unless someone else has it on (then I am inexorably pulled in to sit zombie-like in front of the screen). However, I do have some favorite shows that either still run or are recent.
The West Wing
The Family Guy
The Venture Brothers
I will sit and read just about anything, however my library tends to collect more fantasy, history, philosophy, psychology, religion, science-fiction, and sociology-related titles than anything else.
My Brother
My Friends