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I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

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I'd like to meet:

What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? miller lite
Beverage (alc) ? old granddad
Color ? orange and black
&..39;Food ?' pizza
Item of clothing ? covergirl
Meal of the day ? lunch
Feature on yourself ? eyes
Quality in a guy/girl ? loyality
Phrase ? are you kidding me? and holy fuckin cannoli
Song ? i get carried away..george straight
Musical Artist/Band ? george straight and surreal
Sport ? football
Movie ?
TV Show ? 24
Radio Station ? 93.1
Type of Chocolate ? milk chocolate
Eye Color ? brown
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? yes
Smoke ? yes
Drink ? yes
Have any piercings ? yes
Have any tatoos ? yes
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend no
Had sex ? never..lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gone streaking ? nope..unless you count the fishhhead!
Gone skinny dipping ? Yup
Been to Europe ? no.
Been to an island ? yes
Had stitches ? yes
Broken any bones ? no
Been stabbed/shot ? yup
Slept until after 12:00 ? only on saturdays and sundays
Stayed up all night ? Yup
Danced like a whore ? yeah...but i'm retired!
Turned down a dare ?
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? kev and j
Is the prettiest ? kev
Is the most handsom ? kev
Is the loudest ? kev
Is the craziest ? kev
Is the most shy ? joe
Is the most loving ? j and mikey
Is the most understanding ? tim
Is the most boring ? i have no boring friends
Is the most athletic ? tommy o... golf kicks ass!!! lol
Is the most cocky ? kev
Is the biggest sex icon ? kev
Is the most wordly/cultured ? eric
Do you look up to the most ? mike and kev
Do you tell everything to ? jamie and lee
Has the best clothes ? mike.. thank god 4 Harley!!!
Has the best house ? dad
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? if i was pregnant
Kiss someone of the same sex ? yes
Cheat on someone you love ? never..as bad as i am..i would never cheat!!!
Run away from home ? no
Lie to your parents ? yes
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? no
Lie to your best friend ? no..i tell jamie everything!!!!!!!!! and Lee too!!
Give a homeless person money ? yes
Run from the police ? always..unless i'm handcuffed to one..lol..mikey
Bungee jump ? yes
Sky dive ? yes
Cross dress ? of course..i have penis envy...lol
Be an exotic dancer ? retired!
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? no
Scuba dive ? sure
Go rock climbing ? sure
Go spulunking (caving) ? why not
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? culturally confussed person.
Bologna ? it's oscar...it's mayer..i love to eat it everyday....
Hott ? Mike
Orange ? Harley
Real world ? fucked up
Fuck ? wanna?
Jack ? shit
Cucumber ? pickle..once again...mike!
Hip-Hop ?
Uniform ? hott!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mikey
UniCORN ! ? why didn't he get on noah's arc???????????????????
Rainbow ? gay
Clown ? scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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