Dan Bullwhip Borton profile picture

Dan Bullwhip Borton

Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know, but very friendly!

About Me

Hello there, I'm Daniel, Welcome to my Myspace page!
So what about me.... Well I’m just your normal every day run of the mill eccentric crazy person! But dont let that scare you off. I have a great personality and an even better sense of humor. Did I mention I am also modest! LOL. I consider intelligence & kindness good things and I get along well with animals too, especially dogs like labs and retrievers and ferrets. I also feed the squirrels in the yard (lol).
I'm a member of the Wild West Arts Association and a whip artist. I’ve been working with whips for over 20 years and started when I was young. It’s something that I am very passionate about and I really enjoy promoting and teaching it to others. Everyone tends to raise an eyebrow when they hear the word "whip", thinking the worst but the art of the whip has been around in Wild West shows, the motion picture industry and the theater for years. It is also a fun and highly competitive sport popular in Australia and growing in popularity here in the United States as well. Plus it’s unique skill that really gets peoples attention! I'm also a member of the Whip Enthusiasts Group online.
I'm involved in several archaeological and geological projects though out Michigan and the Ohio region and enjoy doing fieldwork. I specialize in experimental archaeology, meaning trying to recreate the archaic technologies of the past to better understand the life ways of previous time periods and the people that lived in them. I’m also a member of the Michigan Atlatl Association, which was formed to share information and promote the history and use of the atlatl. So just what is an "Atlatl" you ask… Well it's actually an Aztec word meaning “spear thrower” and is a short narrow lever like device with a spur on one end which was used before the advent of the bow & arrow. The atlatl acted as an extension of the arm allowing the thrower to throw a spear or long dart with much greater force and distance than would normally be possible.
Demonstrating the Atlatl
Some more things about me, well I enjoy doing sculptural and ceramic work. I have been working in clay and stone for several years now and first became interested in the art while studying Pre-Columbian ceramic artifacts while working on a degree in Anthropology/Archaeology. I've been fortunate enough to have some of my work exhibited and even sold from time to time. Some people have called me an artist, but really think i'm just someone who likes to work with my hands and create. Either way I really enjoy the calmness and clarity I get when focused working "in the zone".
I also like being outdoors and enjoy hiking. I enjoy spending time with friends (especially the Girls! You know who you are LOL) and my family; they are all very important to me. I am a bit complex, Sometimes I'm very serious and scholarly and sometimes I'm a moody pain in the ass, but other times I am just a goof ball. I have a fun playful side and can be a bit of flirt. I enjoy going out, having a good time whether doing stuff like hitting movies, get-togethers, museums or just hanging out at a local pub with the crew, it's all good. I’m a big hockey and lacrosse fan and love to go to the Detroit Red Wings games when ever I can. GO WINGS! I love to travel and see new things, but I also like to just relax at home too.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy the site. Be sure to say hello and visit again as I’ll be adding new content from time to time.
Evening Magazine Video On Demand | KING5.com | News for Seattle, Washington

Evening Magazine Video On Demand | KING5.com | News for Seattle, Washington


My Interests

Whipcracking, Archaeology, Geology, History, Art, Atlatl Spear throwing, Flint knapping, Archery, Target shooting, Pro Wrestling (my guilty pleasure), Pow Wows, Renaissance Festivals, ceramics, sculpting and Reading. Wow My interests are pretty wide i guess and really seem to go on and on... What can i say i have great depth and i love learning new things! Whipcracking with Bullwhip BortonWhip Cracking
.. Whip Coach Anthony Delongis in Action! See more of my videos in my Video section and on Youtube www.youtube.com/bullwhipborton

I'd like to meet:

Harrison Ford, Bill Clinton, Michelle Pheiffer, Hally Berry! Other Whip Enthusiasts and anyone else with similar interests or that thinks I’m interesting enough to know!


I listen to just about everything from Johnny Cash to the Rolling Stones to the Fergie and Eminem.Crack that Whip! Oh come on, You just knew this song was going to come up somewhere on mypage didn't you! LOL


Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
The Mask of Zorro
The Legend of Zorro.The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The Man from Snowy River. Last of the Mohicans. Batman Returns. Gunga Din. The Mummy. The Pirates of the Caribbean movies. The African Queen. Where the Heart is (Yeah I know it’s a “chick flick” but it’s really good), The Rundown, The DaVinci Code. Godzilla Movies!


I’m addicted to Survivor! I've been since the first season but i also watch Bones, Heros, Ghost Hunters, Deadliest Catch, Man Vs Wild with Bear Grylls, WWE's Monday night Wrestling, The Family Guy, Redwing Hockey games, and A LOT of stuff on the History and Discovery channels.


The Civilizations of Ancient Egypt…Were-Wolves and Will-O-The-Wisps: French tales of Mackinac retold...The New Bullwhip Book… Whips of the West The Doctors Secret Journal… Chippewa Child life… Attack At Michilimackinac... Excavations at Fort Michilimackinac:House D of the Southeast Row House


All the Men and Women serving in the United States Armed Forces, You all rock and we owe you one.Steve Irwin... “Every man dies but not every man truly lives”. Good on ya mate!
Now You know.... And knowing is half the battle!

My Blog

Whipcracking... Girls with bullwhips, Oh My!

You know, It's times like these I really love doing what I do!  Here are some pictures and video clips from last Saturdays whip cracking training session with Sarah and Jo.  They both have h...
Posted by Dan "Bullwhip" Borton on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 03:15:00 PST

More on Whips and WhipCracking!

Whips can be found throughout the world, for centuries they have been part of the human culture. They were tools for daily use, symbols of power, and sometimes an instrument of suppression.  Each...
Posted by Dan "Bullwhip" Borton on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 05:41:00 PST

Stage Combat: The Art of Whip!

Stage Combat: The Art of the Whip Daniel Borton   One of the most effective and alluring tools of the stage combatant is the whip.  Audiences and the public in general tend to raise an eye...
Posted by Dan "Bullwhip" Borton on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 05:36:00 PST

Whips and whipcracking!

Ok, so since I put up this page I've been getting a lot of questions from folks about my interest in whip cracking and wanting to know more about it which i think is very cool.  So I set this bl...
Posted by Dan "Bullwhip" Borton on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 10:46:00 PST

Whip Making 101

If you've read over my main page then you know that I've had a interest in the Wild West Arts and whip cracking in particular for many years.  Last fall I decided that was time to learn how to st...
Posted by Dan "Bullwhip" Borton on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 12:40:00 PST

The Man From Snowy River

The writings of Andrew Barton "Banjo" Paterson are famous for capturing the essence of Australia's bush country and the people who lived there in the late 1880's. This is one of his most well known wo...
Posted by Dan "Bullwhip" Borton on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 08:32:00 PST

2006 Celebrate Clay Exhibition

2006 Celebrate Clay Exhibition November 28th to December 22nd 2006     Lawrence Street Gallery 22620 Woodward Avenue, Suite A Ferndale, MI 48220 Hours: Tuesday  Saturday, Noon  5pm &nb...
Posted by Dan "Bullwhip" Borton on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 10:27:00 PST

Spear Throwing with the Atlatl

So just what is and Atlalt? The atlatl is essentially a wooden handle with a hook spur or socket end, it is used to throw a lightweight spear called a dart with considerable accuracy and tremendous m...
Posted by Dan "Bullwhip" Borton on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 01:10:00 PST

Just what is flint knapping?

Flint knapping is basically the process of making stone tools such as projectile points, knives, and scraping tools by a gradual lithic reduction of material from a stone core.  It has it has be...
Posted by Dan "Bullwhip" Borton on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 12:13:00 PST

The Charge of the Light Brigade

Half a league half a leagueHalf a league onward All in the valley of DeathRode the six hundred: 'Forward, the Light BrigadeCharge for the guns' he saidInto the valley of DeathRode the six hundred. ...
Posted by Dan "Bullwhip" Borton on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 12:32:00 PST