Camping, Hiking, Swimming, Repelling, Rock climbing, Road Trips, Any Travel, Animals, Clubbing, Dancing, The Occult and magical arts, astrology, paranormal experiences and studies, philosophy, Human Anatomy, Physiology, Natural healing, Crystal healing, and more.
Buried at
Cool people, no losers....
A little bit of everything, Mostly Techno. I love Tool, my favorite group.
Any horror movies, comedies, japanese animation, I love movies so I am pretty open
Buried at
South Park, Simpsons, Tripping the Rift, etc. Sci-fi channel, comedy channel, animal planet.
Anatomy, sci-fi, fantasy. I prefer watching movies.
Anyone that lives the way they want and does what they want without worrying about the reactions of others. My Mom is #1 on that list..