That person who is true, honest, at peace, loving, tender, funny, happy, sad, wierd, cunning, wicked, neat, clean, freaky, artist, late, on time, talented, smart, quiet, and loud. Someone who will ask me if I like my bread cut down the middle or slanted, who wants to know if I want ranch with that, someone who sees me for me. The older I get the more I see that people are different and some actually take the time to know others. Well looks aren't everything, so when you look at someone don't turn around, that could be your next best friend, your next lover, your next brother, or your next teacher. Life is unexpected so don't expect your plans to be perfect. Things change and so do people. Don't overlook someone because of their imperfections.
"You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection." -Buddha
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Dude, have you ever turned the radio on and wanted to scream!!??? Yeah, that's me...I love music, but the crap that they play these days...really and truly make a person question whether or not taking a plastic knife and slowly slicing away at their neck...Give me my CDs and some local musicians and I am in heaven...I love true if that is you, YOU ROCK!!!
Scary...So scary that checking your pants a few times is on your to do list...I am a movie fan...Just ask Kelli...My collection has grow a great deal...So if you are bored come on over and I will let you borrow a movie, or if you want, you can stay and watch it at my house, or even better, if the gods allow can stay the night
Have you ever wondered, while sitting there watching your 14th hour of TV, how many brain cells you have just killed with the useless bullshit on the screen???
I have a hero. This person is honest, hard working and true to themself. I see them struggle and I see them cry, but they continue to go on. Life can be so hard, so very challenging. And just think of how sweet life can be when you meet that challenge and go on to the next. Yes, I have a hero. It's my best friend Kelli. If you are reading this then you know her and that's all there is to say.