Die Stadt schlaeft nie
Why Not Surrender? (I'm Not Strong)
We are Sarah and her big brother Mario, or Mario and his little sister Sarah, or Melancholodic.
Our music is usually based on synthesizer-arrangements, but also often enhanced by guitars. Sometimes it's pop, sometimes al little bit experimentell, and sometimes very simpel Low-Fi-style. Just listen to it by yourself and visit our website for more songs and more info:
2003: Sad Songs For Fun
2006: Jenseits der Vernunft
2005: Als die Schweine auf zwei Beinen gingen (CD-Single for German elections)
2006: Kooperationen und Coverversionen 2000 - 2005 (compilation-album)
2006: Jenseits von "Jenseits der Vernunft" - Remixe, Outtakes & Demos (compilation-album)
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You can also download the "Jenseits der Vernunft"-album in lower bitrate (128 kbit/s) for FREE on our
Website .