Men Amplified profile picture

Men Amplified

Retro Style

About Me

MySpace Slideshow Contact Tables MySpace Comment Box MySpace Icons MySpace CommentsWe both know eachother since about 13 years and are musicians for a long time, but we never had the chance to do our own project. We discussed about 2 years about founding a new music project, now we started and tried to create a (for us) new type of music: a mixture of electro pop and guitar pop/rock, influenced by 2 cracking bands...for Ole it was (mainly) U2, for Arnim it was (mainly) Depeche Mode. But we never tried to copy them and will never do!! This is the result...feel free to leave comments or messages! ATTENTION: THE UPLOADED SONGS ARE NOT REALLY THE FINAL VERSIONS...We are now working on our first compilation, probable coming out in summer 2007... ............................................................ .................................................... Wir beide kennen uns schon seit ca. 13 Jahren und machen schon sehr lange Musik, allerdings bisher nie zusammen. 2 Jahre haben wir darüber diskutiert, dass wir ein neues Projekt starten wollen, endlich haben wir damit begonnen: entstanden ist ein für uns beide neuer Musikstil - Elekrtopop gemischt mit Gitarrenpop, in Anlehnung an die beiden Bands, die uns hauptsächlich beeinfluss(t)en: bei Ole vornehmlich U2, bei Arnim Depeche Mode. Natürlich haben wir nicht die Absicht, diese Bands zu kopieren! Hier ist nun das erste Ergebnis.... Wir freuen uns über Kommentare und Nachrichten. ACHTUNG: DIE HIER HOCHGELADENEN SONGS SIND NOCH NICHT UNBEDINGT DIE ENDGÜLTIGEN VERSIONEN...Zur Zeit arbeiten wir an unserem ersten Longplayer, der voraussichtlich im Sommer 2007 ferig gestellt sein wird!

My Interests


Member Since: 4/9/2007
Band Members: OLE: Guitars, Drums, Vocals, Mixing.....ARNIM: Keyboards, Vocals, Mixing....
Influences: Depeche Mode and U2 (mainly), but thousands of other bands aswell...for ARNIM: De/vision, Iris, Coldplay, The Editors, Wolfsheim, The Cure, Bloc Party, The Smiths, Mesh.........for OLE: Police, The Beatles............
Sounds Like:

We really don´t think it sounds like Depeche Mode or U2...
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Order our first CD "Revival"

We´ve finished our first CD....and we will have a Record-Release-Party on the 15th of  September in Berlin.   The album contains 9 high-quality tracks and the "finished" versions of all our ...
Posted by Men Amplified on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 04:08:00 PST

Feel free to download

Feel free to download... We just finished the mixing of these songs here on the page and now you are able to download them....have fun with our songs and always remeber us!!! We are hardly workin...
Posted by Men Amplified on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 04:49:00 PST