We have decided as a band to go in a different direction and we are ending In Our Time and making something a little different. Same members, new band. Check back in for details as they enfold. Thanks for supporting us for as long as you did.
Stay Tuned for the Return of
In Our Time
Bands we've shared the stage with
-A Dying Dream
-A Plea for Purging[Facedown Records]
-A Season for Sorrow
-Across 5 Aprils[Indianola Records]
-Ace Tone(R.I.P)
-All Well Is Broken
-Andrea Doria
-Annie Lytle
-Bela Kiss[Hotfoot Records]
-Beneath A Burning Sky
-Breaking Their Holds
-Burden of a day[Blood and Ink Records]
-Captain Chainsaw
-Casual Kill
-Cities Killed Starlight
-Common Yet forbiden
-Dance With A Victim
-Dead mans flag
-Dead Thoughts Memory
-Endwell[Victory Records]
-Fareast Struggle
-Farewell To Arms
-Fidelity Crisis
-Flood The City
-For The Fallen Dreams[Closed Casket Activites]
-Good Journey
-Higher Ground
-Holding On
-I Am The Unicorn
-I Survived a Shark Attack
-If the Accident Will
-In Debt To Kill
-In Loving memory
-In The Face
-It Prevails
-Kill With Honor
-Ligeia[Ferret Records]
-Live Till The Day
-Loss of Reason
-Of Blessings and Burdens
-Omertas Bad Break
-On Wastership Down[Eulogy Records]
-One Last Rose
-Opus Dai
-Orphans of Aliens
-Poor Brutis
-Phantom Communique
-Practically Athens(R.I.P)
-Rise and Shine
-Set Fire To Failure
-Shallow Deep
-Slowly Taking Lives
-Steal Breaks Wave
-Strikes Back
-Sworn To Silence
-The Argument
-The Banner[Ferret Records]
-The Dahmer Anatomy
-The Handshake Murders
-The Intrusive
-The Ruthless
-The Scarlet Affair(R.I.P)
-The Villisca Incident
-Until The Day
-Upon Tragic Ending
-Wait Another Day
-Wings Ripped Out
-With Faith or Flames
-With Haste
-Wounds From a Friend
-Words In Red
-xThrough These Trialsx