Official MiW Fanclub --> New URL Add us!! profile picture

Official MiW Fanclub --> New URL Add us!!

About Me

************************************************************ ** News!! News!! News!! Welcome new Street-Team!! We have gotten one more member to our proud and still growing Decadence Brigade!Please add the new team & spread the word! ************************************************************ ***

We search the best Promoter for Malice in Wonderland!

So let´s start to support our Guys Friends!

All you have to do is to put them in your bulletins, tell all your friends and show your love, as much as possible. And at the end of the week, the best promoter has the place on the Wall of Fame. So get posting people.

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A special Thank to Power of Rock!

Thanks so much for your great support!

And thanks for adding our Banners and appricate our work on your Site!:)

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Malice in Wonderland has been confirmed for the Sweden Rock Festival KickOff in Oslo, Norway, at December 2nd.We will be back with more information about the concert and the venue later on. (News taken by Official Malice in Wonderland Site) ************************************************************ *

We are proud to announce that Malice in Wonderland have signed to Point2Point Management. This is a huge step for the band on their way to success & fame and the band is really looking forward to work with Point2Point.
Point2Point Management works with artists like Asleep, Ornand Altenburg, Stars Of The Silverscreen, Delaware, Helldorado, Ella Rouge, Reevox and last but not least Siri Stranger (feat. Wyclef Jean). You can read more about Point2Point at their homepage, site here .
Get ready for a new chapter in the life of Malice in Wonderland!
(News taken by Official Malice in Wonderland Site)

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HotFreeLayouts If anyone have to describe Malice in Wonderland, only occurs to one:Decadence, Glam, Charisma, Glamour and Rock´n Roll!

In 1997 Malice in Wonderland was foundet at Bergen/Norway.

The band gets most of their inspiration from the 80s. Inspired by Band like Influences Motley Crue, Tiamat, L.A. Guns, Cinderella, Sisters of Mercy, Anathema, Depeche Mode, The Mission, Paradise Lost, The Cult, Suede, Amorphis, Poison.

Since then the Band has grown into 4 Members, and each one are a erichment in the Band.

With their great Debut-Album they've done it all in Malice in Wonderland style and made one fantastic Album which teaches you to listen with your Heart to the Music.
The album's 10 songs show every side of the band, from classic hard rock to more experimental pieces. I just can say Hearts will be burning!

Malice in Wonderland are now making a big step into the world´s Rock-Scene to revive its Community! Malice in Wonderland has already made themselves a name in goth, glam and rock Szene , and have a big fan-base which is growing more every day!

No Wonder! Look at this charismatic Guys:)

Click on the Banner to visit each Band-Member at MySpace!

My Interests

Member since 09/25/2006

About the Offical Malice in Wonderland Fanclub Germany

The 1. Official Malice in Wonderland Fanclub Germany was foundet at September 25th 2006 with the permission of the Band.

Our first goal is to support Malice in Wonderland as they grow and expand their success here in Germany and around the world! We want to support them wherever we can.

The reason we created the Fanclub was their great music and keep the lines of contact open between the Band and their Fans.

At the Moment we working on MySpace.

Our Main-Website is opening soon. We ask you for a little Patience!

Responsibilities for the Fanclub and this Website are Elfi and her younger Sister called Denise. They will oversee the entire project of the Fanclub and Website.

We are now in the Beginning to build the Fanclub. Now we need You, the Fans, from everywhere to help us to make this site the better for everyone!

If you have comments, -suggestions or good ideas, please Let us know! We are always looking to improve the Site and the Fanclub.

Our main-goal is to make you Fans and of course the Band happy!

We got a lot of ideas and plans which we want to realize with you together!

You can contact us in German, English and when somebody is from Hungary of course in Hungary too:)

We are really looking forward to meet interesting People from everywhere!

Your Fanclub-Team!

Elfi and Denise

I'd like to meet:

Malice in Wonderland Lucifer's Town

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My Blog

MiW-Street-Team-The Decadence Brigade

STREET TEAM - THE DECADENCE BRIGADE(Für alle deutschen Leser: nutzt bitte diesen Link, Malice in Wonderland Germany) A street team is a group of fans that volunteer to help promote Malice In Wonderlan...
Posted by Official Malice in Wonderland Fanclub Germany on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 12:38:00 PST

Malice in Wonderland-Fansites International (Update 30th Oct.)

Official fan sites: Malice in Wonderland Official Website Italy Fan sites: Decadent Love (China) Malice in Wonderland Portugal (Portugal) Malice in Wonderland Germany (Germany) Malice in Wonderl...
Posted by Official Malice in Wonderland Fanclub Germany on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 01:54:00 PST

*Other Sites which supports Malice in Wonderland

MiW Virtual World Chat (Virtual Las Vegas) Related sites (US) Myspace sites: MiW Street Team - The Deacadence Brigade West Coast MiW - Decadence Brigade (US) East Coast M...
Posted by Official Malice in Wonderland Fanclub Germany on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 01:51:00 PST

Malice-in Wonderland-Fan-Arts!

Hello Fans! We present you here the Fan-Arts by great Malice in Wonderland Fans! When you are maybe bored and you are creative too... send us Your Fanarts!  We are really looking forward for new ...
Posted by Official Malice in Wonderland Fanclub Germany on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 05:41:00 PST

Video about Malice in Wonderland/ThePleasures/BigBoy Summer 2006...Watch this Video :) Get this video and more at ...
Posted by Official Malice in Wonderland Fanclub Germany on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 09:04:00 PST

Lucifer´s Town in Hollywood-Movie!

The Malice in Wonderland hit song Lucifers Town will be included in the award winning Hollywood horror movie The Passing! The film is produced & directed by producer John Harwood and includes acto...
Posted by Official Malice in Wonderland Fanclub Germany on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 03:26:00 PST