Furthermore I..m quite young I guess ^^ and very introverted I love being alone or with just some really good friends...
I love concerts but festivals are mostly too big for me.
My dream was always to study vetenarian medicine and I will try to apply at the university after off the job training
My REAL friends are the most important thing I have and I would die for them... additionally I..m irascible sometimes when things don..t function the way I want...
I love reading good books and watching films... "Matilda" is just good for the soul ^^
If you wanna make me a present just give me a candle... you can NEVER have enough candles... ;)
I don..t like tan skin... or too muscular men... so I..m pale myself and happy with it!
I just LOVE BOOTS!!! Plauteau boots are very sexy!
Last but not least.. I..m sensitive, emotional and difficult... if you can handle it write me...
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When I love i love and I can do nothing against...
when you want to know something, feel free to ask... :)
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