My love of all things music started at the age of 7. With a little coaxing from my parents I learned to play classical piano. After a few years I was introduced to Jazz and the Blues. Of course being from Chicago it was easy to be influenced by great artists like Buddy Guy and Muddy Waters.
With classical training and a love of Jazz & Blues, I decided to enroll @ Lincoln Park HS here in Chicago. While at LPHS I learned to play 4 more instruments and to read and write my own music. During my sophmore year I was introduced to a little thing called Hip Hop. With great MC's like Tribe called Quest, De La Soul And DJ's like Grandmaster Theodore influencing me. I decided Making my own beats and Mixing for the masses was my calling. That was 18 years ago. And in all that time i've never lost that fire for making music. I've rocked crowds from California to New York and lots of places in between. And will continue to as long as I can still reach a turntable.
Music is love, passion and desire all rolled into a single note. Music is logic, conformity and the foundation for all things life.
If you love music then you know exactly what I mean. Much love and respect to all things music and to those that let it in their hearts.
I am proud to say, Music is my Life.