we're in high school growing up on the south side of Chicago.. we get fucked up every weekend.. we hang at parks regularly.. we have a group of friends who we think are the only people we'll ever need..we talk too loud and drink too much..the cops know us too well...we drive too fast and make plenty of mistakes.. we stay out all night and shake everything off in the morning.. sometimes we don't remember our nights but just remember it was a good time.. and finally we've started to realize why people tell us to hold on to these days .. because they're the best days of our lives.. we're old enough to know better but too young to give a fuck........
Wezzy F Baby ♥
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The Unforgetable 11/25/56 - 04/03/08 You had one hell of a dash My Father...SO my daddy was the best the best in the worl there was so many things left on said... so many thing i wished i would've done i am sorry for not showing you the daughter i could be... i know i did wrong sometimes and you disapproved but i know you loved me... my body won't let me get sick anymore cause it knows you aren't here to hug me and make me feel better... I will miss you forever... I will see ya again PopsMy Hero would have to be my Cousin Ryan 3/7/07 u were the Strongest you held on with Cancer till the very end you went down swinging the way i want to go you have helped so many people and you hated no one you hated the things that they did, You have taght me so much and you always stuck up for me babe you were a real man. I love you with all my heart and the spot that you had in my heart can never be refilled ever I love you sooo much and miss you even more...........