Nicola profile picture


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About Me

Nis forNutty
Iis forImpassioned
Cis forCynical
Ois forOrganic
Lis forLoving
Ais forAdaptable What Does Your Name Mean?Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllll I'm pretty much crazy. no really, im mentally ill. i mean it i have histeria. Whatever that means. well at least i'm loved my all.Things im not: Snooty, twofaced, bitchy, judgementl, picky, chavy, covered in make up, fake, posh, slobby, pushy,Things i am: dyslexic, cherpy, witty, simple, random, random, random, naturally blonde, empty, searching, random, happy,

Myspace Layouts

Myspace Falling Objects

MySpace Layouts
Virtual Sim Game

My Interests

I love anime and manga, scuba diving, painting, art, and generally things unusual

I'd like to meet:

A talking animal of somesort (not a parot), or a person with two different coloured eyes, a porn star, santa claus, my half sister kelly where ever she is, the other half of my family, my pen pal jan barry i wrote to once when i was 14, my great grandfarther who died the day i was born.


My music collect is quite broad, so i can't really answer this one properly. i basically like everything, but my all time favourite is daft punk..


Spirited away, ghost in the shell 1 and 2, howls moving castle, perfect blue, forest gump,Goonies
Myspace Layouts


NFL, go stealers, Mythbusters.


you really think a dyslexic like me is going to read...... spot the dog in pop-up. ....... ok i did readd one book and remebered it till later life, the diary of anne frank.... oh and of mice and me... but i forced to read that a secondary school.


Hayao Miyazaki, alice (in wonderland), my mum OBVIOUSLY don't denie it you look up to your mum too
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You couldn't pay me to eat this HOT DOG !!1

My Blog

Why Doesn't my Space look cool and spangley like other peoples?

HOW THE HELL DO I WORK THIS THING !!!! I want flashy colour and play music, just like everyone else, why is my little space dull and mostly white. WHY ISN'T ANYTHING SIMPLE ANYMORE. chirst help...
Posted by Nicola on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 01:36:00 PST