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Goliath Labs - Bodybuilding Supplements - 2006 Break-Out Brand of the Year Nominee!

About Me

Goliath Labs, Inc.

2006 Break-Out Brand of the Year Nominee
Stimuloid: 2006 Sex Product of the Year Winner
Groloid: Planet Muscle Magazine Muscle University Award
Ejaculoid: Top Selling Sex Enhancer on several major Internet retailers for over 1 year
Tribuloid - Maximum Testosterone Booster & Inhibit Estrogen and DHT
Groloid - Nitric Oxide and Creatine Muscle Building Formula
Sleep Cycle - Nighttime Sleep, Growth, & Recovery Formula
Ejaculoid - Increase Libido, Semen Volume, Sex Drive & Sexual Pleasure
Stimuloid - Maximum Sexual Stimulant for Powerful Erections
Humaloid HGH - Anti-Aging Human Growth Pro-Hormone
Thermoloid - Burn Fat, Increase Energy, Inhibit Fat/Carb absorption & Suppress Appetite

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My Interests

bodybuilding, fitness, supplements, sports, sex, sexual enhancement

I'd like to meet:

Goliath Labs Customers/Fans
Bodybuilders, Bodybuilding enthusiasts
Those interested in sexual enhancement
Fitness Models


Pumping Iron


Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding


Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler