Anything that is tested on animals. Bob Barker would agree, control the pet population.
A vegan, and take them out for a good steak dinner. My treat.
Kenny G, Yani, Shirly Temple, Chumba Wamba, Journey, and since I speak whale, whale songs about their hard times in the ghetto.
Jesus Christ: Vampire Slayer and Purple Rain
Still have to go with God...I mean Bob Ross. Um, maybe the antique road show. The channel where all the ants run around in snow. Discovery Channel during the sloth mating season.
Anal Grannies porno pop-up books. Celestine Prophecy, cause it showed me the porn. 101 ways to use hemp. Reading for Dummmies.
A hero is someone you look up to and strive to be like or become. What if you are your own favorite person, then do you become a hero? If so, I want a theme song. I'm taking requests.