brynn profile picture


how much that hippo comin in son?

About Me

i keep it real

i'm hard to keep up with

i bring out the best in strangers

i love my fellow mary j. blige fans

i can best be summed up by the eloquent quotes that appear when you google my name such as "not to brag but i dress real good cause im from chicago" and "id take my purse and boyfriend and get the hell out of there." any other instances of my name on the world wide web appear next to the word "pussy" in the website summaries. i blame it all on that bitch of a pr girl i hired in 1993. she got rid of most of the footage which is the only reason she still works in this industry.

My Interests

blue skys


thinking positive, non-propriety, art deco furniture, crunch classes, anger management techniques, nightlife, talking xxxloud on my cell phone, amassing a huge collection of vintage stuff, anything related to hawaii, prank emailing people... i manage to get kicked out of 80% of the bars i go to so i guess getting booted from bars, hating star jones, the law, promoting gay rights, getting on planes, revolutionaries, ebay, pugs, spanking planks, sprinkling drinks on people during that natasha beddingfield song, dirty vodka, reading, rediscovering bands, surfing, writing, complaining, cool names, hustling, wasting money, taking pics with randoms, anything not a z.


mark melnic circa 96

I'd like to meet:

good storytellers.

and george michael....the other george michael, not the singer songwriter.



LOVE the steve harvey morning show, obscure one hit wonder sex jams from the early 90's, stevie wonder, le tigre, alicia keyes, cheezy jawaiian music, mason jennings, jeff buckley, pearl jam, jack johnson, gypsy kings, mj, jt, rhcp, random reggae, nelly, jay-z, sage francis, prince, lil' kim, biggie, madonna, pharcyde, tribe, g-love, and of course my girl mary j. blige - hate it or love it.


non ti movere, west side story, indie know, movies from india, belly, house party, house party 2 and 3, pootie tang, murder in greenwich


the wire. arrested development. law and order. rob and big. pretty hard to top those.


people are always surprised to find out i read. based on the way i act sometimes im not surprised when i hear that. i volunteer at a used bookstore; i buy more books than i have time to read. my favorite contemporary author (this week) is jeffrey eugenides; middlesex is a great book. as for heavier stuff...anything by checkov or pablo neruda (good reading for transition times - which i often find myself in), the trial, running with scissors, dry, life of pi, marching powder, anything sociological about race, crime, culture, crazy people, drugs, disorders, etc... i love any well written fiction, especially short stories in literary journals. if your "ab fav" book of all time has a pink cover with cursive writing and picture of a high heel or a velvet the words of my dear friend keith "you're better than that."


mama luscious, joyce junior and whitney

shot out to my former life...