Kelly profile picture


I'm super keen!

About Me

I like to knit, eat ice cream and garlic mashed potatoes. I have the bestest, most handsome husband in the world, and my puppies are smarter then you. What more do you need to know?

My Interests

You know... stuff. Knitting, my puppies, pretending I can cook, life and all it's answers.

I'd like to meet:

Joseph Merrick


Anything and everything that's on my new rocking ipod. :) My husband loves me!


My current favorite is the Charile and the Chocolate Factory. Next week, it'll be different.


Those stupid makeover shows, anything about mummies, and the very rare tv show that isn't a reality show. House. Lost. I do like Six Feet Under, but it tends to give me bad dreams. Blow Out! Project Runway. I can't help myself. Somebody shoot me.


I love books. I love to collect books that I may read some day. I also collect knitting books like they're going out of style. I may need to build an addition for my books someday. Someday soon... Currently on my nightstand (among other things... like candy wrappers and bobby pins) is "Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife" by Mary Roach Go pick it up. Stiff was great and this one is too.


My husband Michael. He rocks my socks.