Theatre, acting and improv. That's pretty much it. Also photography, travel, stories, dancing, parties, suprises, people, the fringe festival, blankets, laughing, booster juice, downhill skiing, the hummus from the Greek Market...and of course a guy named Luke who is not entirely terrible. That's pretty much it.
Cliff Dangermcgone. Random Tim. Special Needs Satan. Crazy Ed. Burbon Cigarette Burn Moscovitch. The Goblin in the Vault. Rabble. My nerd character. Claudia. Pinto. Rusty the Cow. Denis Quaid.
Everything! But especially Sam Roberts, because he's an amazing person and musician...and Justin Timberlake, because he's Justin Timberlake.
Back to the future and anything with Kevin Spacy
I never watch TV...but I used to watch Smallville a lot. Because Superman is awesome. You know what I don't understand? All those people who think Batman is better than Suprman. It's pretty ridiculous.
Harry Potter!!! Also, the Princess Bride...but I'm not usually this much of a nerd.
Everyone brave enough to try and make a living as an actor! Stephen Lewis, Melinda Gates...Alanna Cleve, I'm not even kidding. How weird is it that I put that on my myspace? Nobody tell her. My Parents. And of course, my brother.