music}peppermint tea}chai tea}moroccan mint green tea}and i like talking on the phone for hours with the one i love}and fall weather with crunchy leaves}classical music is my new addiction}i love my friends}and my bed}and my boyfriend}incense}nag champa}candles}lots of them}car rides home from school with crystal and billy and casey haha}snuggling up to a good movie or the bengals even though i dont know whats going on}writing}halloween candy}thats it for now}
I'm impossible to forget, yet hards to remember...
bloo bloo blay...i wish i could get my damn cd player in my car to work!!!
almost famous.the motercycle diaries. eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. garden state. party monster. blue crush. wayne's world. happy gilmore. truth about cats and dogs. white oleander. fight club. moulin rouge. y tu mama tambien. blow. grease. girl, interrupted. riding in cars with Boys. thirteen. amelie. benny and joon.
cable mixed with oprah is a sure fire way to get fat.
The other white meat.
"we are all of us stars and we all deserve to twinkle" -Marilyn Monroe(((hehehe sounds like tinkle, like take a pee)))