Jokes and the Unconcious (comic book by hothead paizan creator and a poet), Our Cancer Year, Dry, Breakfast of Champions, Slaughterhouse 5, Illuminatus Trilogy, Count of Monte Cristo, His Excellency George Washington, Goodbye Chunky Rice, the Botany of Desire, Killing Pablo, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, Encyclopedia Anatomica, The lord of the rings trilogy goddamit, Jimmy Corrigan the Smartest Kid on Earth, Geek Love, Stranger in a Strange Land, the Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes, the Little Prince, Winnie the Pooh, the Wind in the Willows, Understanding Comics, Maus, the Iliad, Sometimes a Great Notion, Pattern Recognition, Neuromancer, The Maturin/Aubrey series by Patrick O'Brian(erudite historical fiction rocks!), the Red Queen, grendel er that is beowulf, and books I will finish someday.. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, Salt, and dammit Finnegan's Wake or Ulysses , also the Omnivore's Dilemna