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Lion of Judah Magazine

Indipendent Magazine about Ethiopian Culture and Spirituality and International Morality

About Me

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Only One God (Ahadu Amlak).

“The Lion of Judah” magazine was born two years ago through the endeavours of a little family of brethrens living in Italy, who realized the importance of spreading and teaching the word of I Majesty Krestos TafarI in their land. Starting with this last issue I’n’I have successfully printed the magazine in English also, under the guidance of I Majesty, in order to make I’n’I humble contribution towards the knowledge and upliftment of the RasTafarI community worldwide.

"The Lion of Judah" magazine strives: to promote the teachings and the testimony of the Ethiopian King of Kings, Haile Sellassie I; to heighten understanding of the conceptions and traditions of Ethiopian culture and of her ancient Christianity; and to run through the stages of Jewish and Christian history through the words of the Holy Books and of I’n’I fathers.

The ancient culture of Ethiopia gives I’n’I a heritage that it is vital to refer to, especially in this age where the spiritual identity of man seems lost through indifference and injustice. We pray that I’n’I humble work may help to elevate man towards a renewed - but ancient- spiritual path, an active Christianity that becomes living prayer, by striving against the spectres of discrimination, injustice, oppression and misery. I’n’I search for a religious feeling which is, in the words of Ababa Janhoy Haile Sellassie I, "the way by which man may be saved from traditional superstition and modern scepticism”.

In order to accomplish these ends, I’n’I work is in researching old sources and meditating upon ancient books. Accordingly, I’n’I aim is to offer to brethrens and sistrens reading material that is otherwise difficult to obtain, such as direct translations from Ge’ez Holy Books, articles from Ithiopian magazines in the times of I Majesty, and unpublished or rare speeches from Haile Selassie I.

It's possible to buy the magazine at this ebay store

or in other ways. For further information contact brother Iyared at [email protected]

My Interests

Issue 1

Issue 2

I'd like to meet:

Issue number 1 16 pages. A History of Pan Africanism, by Gedamu Abreha (Ethiopian Scholar of the 70's) / HIM Haile Selassie I speaks to the 10th anniversary of OUA (extract, unpublished) / HIM speaks to PAFMECA; HIM speaks to PanAfrican Students (unpublished) / HIM speaks to the OIL anniversary / HIM's unceasing struggle for African Unity (Article) / HIM's mediation efforts during the border conflict between Morocco and Algeria, 1963 / The Faith of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church (by Ethiopian Theologian V. C. Samuel) / Extract from the Book of Mysteries of Heaven and Earth (Mystical Ethiopian Book of the 14 century, directly translated from GE’EZ.

Issue number 2 24 pages. Unpublished speeches of H.I.M. / The Cruelty of the Fascist Invasion of Ethiopia / H.I.M. speaks to the Non-Aligned Countries / Basic Concepts of African Unity / Focus on W.E.B. Du Bois / Empress Menen Speaks to the Women / Qeddus Yared Composer of Ethiopian Holy Music + Kebra Nagast and the Ark of the Covenant/ H.I.M. speaks about the faith in Christ/ The 10 Commandments/ Haile Selassie's Regency.

My Blog


Extract from "The Lion of Judah" N° 4    THE ROOTS OF PAN-AFRICANISM   The following article is an extract of a publication issued by the Imperial Ethiopian Government in 1973, on the ...
Posted by Lion of Judah Magazine on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 03:26:00 PST