About me......I laugh at too many things. I consider myself a very excellent optimist, in the highest regards. I am a hardcore American, the tattoos on my body show that to a "T" . I am very goal oriented and get what I want when I want it. Ambition has nothing on me, I will make and break the word by the time I have died. If I told you more about me, we would have to meet in court for a restrainment, all in fun of course. Test my intelligence, please, and you will learn something about yourself along the way. Got an image problem? Awesome, don't bring it around me. I disguise myself on a regular basis, simply because it's what pleases me.
I never wear a watch, doesn't it always seem like it's only telling you have much time you have left?
If you think I make a lot of money from my Art and Movies, youre wrong. My dog makes more money from his modeling career.
I'm a professional grade ditch digger, that's right. Some people can do a superman on a dirt bike. I can dig the best hole you have ever seen. And guess what? There is enough room in it for both of us. Just in case of a nuclear attack. You can thank me later.
Lots of peoples dream cars are luxury sports cars or whatever. Mine is a Isuzu dumptruck. Nothing against your dream car but if you were to hang out with me and a dumptruck for a day......shit, your mind would be blown on the cool things we would do, lol
If you see me smoking some place where I am not supposed to be, it's cool, I'll bum you one. And if we get caught, I'll take the blame. That's how I roll.
If I cannot come up with multiple ways to make you laugh when we first meet, wake me up because I am probably sleeping or something.
If you have read all this that means your my biggest fan and we must hang out.
And your mother and brother are bound to love me. Animals are definitely my second love. Yeah, I wanted to be a Vet when I was a little kid, how cliche. I own a Boston Terrier and a Eleanora Cockatoo, both who give me a hard time on a daily basis. I have owned a lot of ducks and chickens along the way, I have had way too much fun with all those guys. Did I mention I have a lot of patience? WHO WANTS A PHYSICS LESSON TAUGHT BY ME? Click on any tour or presentation and I will be happy to "serve" you, GO TO THIS LINK - - http://iqupgrades.com/flash/index.html ..This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor