Name: Jenny. (No, not Jennifer.)
Location: South Leicestershire.
Marital status: Married.
Offspring: Sadly, none. Ideally, I'd have liked to foster.
Pets: One canary that goes by the name of Hurdy-Birdy II.
Heritage: 3/4 Welsh, 1/8 English, 1/16 French, 1/16 Irish.
Occupation: Troublemaker, housewife, perpetual student.
Height: 5'3" ... or 5'9" en pointe.
Weight: That of three slender people combined.
Eyes: A grey/blue/green mess.
Hair: Long and a sort of light brown/dirty blonde colour.
Clothing: Long, plain and dark.
Distinguishing marks: Heavily scarred left forearm.
Strength: Phenomenal intelligence. (Ahem.)
Weakness: Lack of perseverance.
Fear: Everything or nothing. It depends on my mood.
Obsession: Being a know-it-all.
Regrets: Putting off living for Christ for so long.
Worst Habit: Splitting infinitives!
Passive or aggressive?: Both... Often at the same time.
Lifelong ambition: To live a life that glorifies God.
Ideal death: One for which I am prepared.
Book: Notes From Underground - Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
Song: I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say (Kingsfold tune)
Food: Hummous and wholemeal pitta.
Drink: Water. (I'm easily pleased.)
Colour: It depends on the context.
Animal: Essentially anything farmyardish.
Quote: Verberat nos et lacerat fortuna.
Country/place: Faroe Isles.
Reading: Letters & Papers From Prison by Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Waterlog by Roger Deakin.
Listening to: Crockery being put away.
Wearing: Voluminous blue nightdress and a white kapp.
Feeling: Contentedly melancholic.
Thinking about: The blanket I'm supposed to be crocheting.