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Find me before another is found....

About Me

The Image You don't want to see in your Mirror..Also vocalist of old school deathmetalbands Deifecation and Pulverizer.


My Interests

Music, Internet, Life, Facts

I'd like to meet:

People who know the Navier-Stokes equations just for fun..


Likes: old school Death metal and -grindcore, Good ol' Hardcore newyork style, Punk/folkrock, first wave Thrash/deathmetal/crossover. sounds of the sixties, Rock 'n Roll& Psychobilly...

All time fav's:


The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, For a Few Dollars more, Dirty Harry, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Trainspotting, Jacky Brown, From Dusk till Dawn, Natural Born Killers, Leon, Terminator II, Commando, Matrix pt I, The Eiger Sanction, The Departed, Snatch, Heavy Metal, Django Kill, Conan the Barbarian, Red Sonja, Mad Max pt I, Payback, actually too much to mention...


A Touch of Frost, Black Adder, Young Ones, Bottom, Rome, Myth Busters, Brainiac, Documentaries about LARGE machines, Top Gear, Besides that telly s*cks *rse..


1984, a Clockwork Orange, The Collector, Animal Farm, Boys from Brazil, The complete series of "Arendsoog" en "Pim Pandoer" Dubbel's Taschenbuch der Machinenbau, Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Applied Hydro -and Aerodynamics, Stromungsmachinen I&II.


A rather nice song written by David Bowie..nothing more..

My Blog

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Posted by Wilhelm on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 01:30:00 PST