Making movies, acting, hanging at the mall, listening to music, dancing, watch movies/tv, and hang with friends, did I mention DANCING!
The Entire Cast of Full House (than I'll be set for life)
I like almost everything, but my favorites are. Micheal Jackson, Beatles, Queen, Neil Diamond, Beach Boys, Frank Sinatra, Offspring, Tenacious D, Fresh Prince, and much more....Greatest song ever is Footlose!
O man where could i start, Broken Lizard's Puddle Cruiser, Broken Lizard's Super Troopers, Broken Lizard's Club Dread, Broken Lizard's BEERFEST, Evil Dead, Friday the 13th's, Nightmare on Elm Street's, Cabin Fever, Wrong Turn, Mall Rats, Scream's, Detroit Rock City, BaseketBall, Cannibal The Musical, Orgazmo, South Park, Team America, Texas Chainsaw Massacre's, Night of the Livining Dead's, Saw, HOSTEL, and much more. David Arquette talks about Jason Mewes
Fresh Prince, Full House, South Park, Seinfeld, Whose Line is it Anyways, and more
I dont know how to read :(
John Stamos