my wife katie, my dog rufus, my son harper ( flickr and vimeo ), good whiskey, bad whiskey, scotish whiskey, irish whiskey, tennessee whiskey, canadian whiskey, corn whiskey, grain whiskey, the occasional still whiskey, baseball, crossword puzzles, making lists, classical liberal political philosophy, and monotheism.
my maker
arab strap, the shout out louds, bob dylan, broken social scene, hayden, classic country, leonard cohen, super xx man, clap your hands say yeah, northern soul, palace music, and the lucksmiths.
the star wars, to kill a mockingbird, the princess bride, henry fool, and tree's lounge.
LOST, my name is earl, heroes, and big love.
the bible, why government doesn't work, the thief of always, and harry potter.
harry browne, jesse custer, and my father