Weirdness is in the eye of the cheese profile picture

Weirdness is in the eye of the cheese

All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, r

About Me

Let's see, I'm a Christian, and an Actor. I Love the Lord above All things. It can be a hard walk, but you always gotta have faith. I'm going to UMass as a theatre major; and no, not all men in the theatre are gay. I'm just single. I write poetry, and Audition for shows. I also really like watching B-movies. And I also don't sleep as much as I would like, but, that would be school helping that cause. I like to laugh, and make light of things, but can be deep when I want to be.!

Take the quiz:
Which InuYasha Character are You?

You are the strong, silent type. (Mwah, sexy Fluffy..)plain layout @ HOT

My Interests

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and wiffle-ball.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, Christopher Walken, Kevin Max, the cast of MST3K and all my favoite musicains.


Weird AL, dc Talk, Audio Adrenaline, Newsboys, Creed, Toby Mac, Kevin Max, Train, Iron Butterfly, the Beatles and Broadway Showtunes. (go ahead and laugh)


Monty Python, UHF, Cinderalla Man, Finding Nemo, Dodgeball, Wedding Crashers, Oh! Brother where art thou, Zoolander, Any MST3K, Garden State, and anything by Tim Burton!


Star trek(any of them), Harvey Birdman, Sportscenter, Cold Pizza, Who's Line is it Anyway?, Monty Python, Monk, Tiny Toon Adventures, Animaniacs, Freakazoid, Robot Chicken, Inspector Gadget, Gargolyes, Garfield and Friends, Still Standing, King of Queens, Futurama, American Dad, MST3K, and Famliy Guy.


The Bible, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Beowolf, anything by C. S. Lewis and Acting books as well as scripts.

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Jesus, MLK, Christopher Walken, Weird Al, Patrick Stewart, Kevin Max, Mom & Dad, and anyone who likes to go against the grain. ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
One of the Few Surveys that Paints a True Picture of You
The Basics- Just to get a picture of YOU
Hello, what is your name?: Josh Momaney
Height?: 5' 6"
Weight?: 167
Hair color?: brown
Eye color?: brown
Are you tan, pale or somewhere inbetween?: 80% pale 20% tan
Any freckles?: a few
Scars or birthmarks?: I have a nasty scar one my left hand
How old are you?: 23
When's your birthday?: 1/19/84
Where do you live?: In the middle of nowhere
Now for Truly Getting to Know You
Are you more of an opptomist or pessimist?: opptomist
Would you rather spend a year on a deserted island with friends or family?: hmmm, I'd say friends by a hair
Do you prefer getting everything out of the way or procrastinating?: I'll answer this later
Are you extremely quiet around people you don't know, outgoing or inbetween: inbetween
Do you have a bunch of friends, a few close friends, or somewhere inbetween: a few close friends
Would you die for someone in your family?: I don't know
What about your friends?: depends who
Do you love to read, hate to read, mildy enjoy it, or mildy dislike it?: mildy enjoy it
What about t.v.?: love it
Do you feel like a lot of people know the true you or a small few?: small few
How many people do you trust with your life?: just my family
Would you rather go to a tropical island or ski resort?: tropical island
R you more sensitive or tougher (in the sense you don't care what ppl say)?: tougher
Do you still play video games or find them a bore?: Xbox, All the way!
Are you really into your looks and fashion or you don't care so much?: I care a little, but not much
Did/do/will you like/liked your high school years?: I loved high school
Why or why not?: good people
Do you prefer excercising or laying around?: I'm trying to excercise more
Are you a hard worker in school or more of a slacker, Or somewhere inbtwn?: inbetween
If you're already out of school, what type of student were you?: N/A
Do you feel like you had a great childhood? Or not so good?: loved it
Who is always there to support you?: Pete
Are you more of a day-dreamer or realistic thinker?: day-dreamer
How would you feel if they lengthened the school day? (yuck): I'm in college, I don't care
Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend? If so how many?: yes, and three
If not, are you waiting for the one or waiting for another reason?: I just told you! I've had three
How do you feel about life?: I'm for it!
How do you feel about myspace?: hell ya!
What about abortion?: legalized Murder!
Global warming?: It's been freezing! Where is it!
Gay marriage?: I don't care one way or the other
Surveys?: I'm taking this stupid thing, aren't I?
Do you live in the moment, always look back, or always look foward?: in the moment
How do you really feel about yourself?: I could change a thing or two.
What about our society?: I'm against protesting, but I don't know how to show it.
Do you consider yourself more deep or simple?: deep about simple things
Do other people see you as this or only a few?: only a few
How do you feel about the internet in general?: it's got good things and it has bad things
School?: boring and needs some changes
Are you a lover or a fighter?: Oh, lover. All the way ;)
Do you consider yourself popular?: no
Do you consider yourself a nerd?: sometimes
Do you even believe in labels or just the person inside?: the person with-in
Would you ditch your best friend for the love of your life?: no, but we would see less of each other
What about the other way around?: Hell NO!
Have you ever really had a Best Friend?: my buddy Pete, good man
Are you more of an english type or a math type?: english
Do stupid people make you laugh?: yeah
Are you one of those stupid people?: Hell ya!
Do you get angry easily?: inbetween
Do you look for love in all the wrong places?: I'm just looking for love
Who are your friends?: Pete, Sunset and Wakko Warner
Whos in your immediate family?: My Mom, Dad, and sister Jen
Do you have a friend who acts different around different people?: I'm that friend
Can you trust this person?: I kinda have too, since it's me
What about one who is ALWAYS there for you?: Pete's my brother
Do you have a pair of big sunglasses?: no
Do you act random a lot or find that very immature?: Randomness is my life
Do girls just wanna have fun?: Can you tell me where she is ;)
What do you prefer? Strawberry daqueris or pina coladas?: Daqueris
Are you a very complex person?Is your life full of lessons, fun, and reason: I like to think so
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My Blog

I'm not dead, yet. I'm getting better.

I saw "Monty Python's Spamalot" today! It was the funniest show I have ever seen. Laughter from start to finish. I loved how they were able to keep it Monty Python yet, still keep it make it their own...
Posted by Weirdness is in the eye of the cheese on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 08:36:00 PST


I've been in a weird mood of late. My Dad and Sister were in a car crash, my cat died, and I missed my Pittsburgh friends suddenly. I'm feeling better than I have the last few days, but I still miss m...
Posted by Weirdness is in the eye of the cheese on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 09:21:00 PST

Babs 1990-2007

My cat, Babs, has past away today. Babs was found outside our pourch in a snowstorm way back during the Gulf War, in 1991. We heard a meowing sound and saw this poor cat outside, we took her in. ...
Posted by Weirdness is in the eye of the cheese on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 10:52:00 PST


I gave blood today! There was a drive at school, and I felt like doing something. I was in and out, in about half an hour. The long part was the Interview, but it was nothing really. I've heard in the...
Posted by Weirdness is in the eye of the cheese on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 03:36:00 PST


First day of Spring Break! was today and I just slept and watched tv! I don't know how it different from school, but it was still nice. This Blog has no point to make, I just wanted to give an update!
Posted by Weirdness is in the eye of the cheese on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 09:03:00 PST


Thank You to everyone for the support! My grandpa is doing well, and should be home this weekend!
Posted by Weirdness is in the eye of the cheese on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 07:37:00 PST


I just found out that my Grandpa is having triple heart bypass surgery on Monday. One artery is blocked 90%, one blocked 70% and one blocked 60%. If you could keep him in prayer, I would be ...
Posted by Weirdness is in the eye of the cheese on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 07:58:00 PST


Well, it's day 2 of Lent. I gave up caffeine, and yesterday, I felt pretty normal. Just the regular, "Oh, that's right. I can't have soda." Today, however, the withdrawls began. I've had a headache al...
Posted by Weirdness is in the eye of the cheese on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 01:43:00 PST

What didn't happen to me, today.

I've had the some of the most wonderful and frighting 24 hours of my life. It all started after school, I was going to meet my friend and love intrest, Sunset Sam. We were going to meet at her fa...
Posted by Weirdness is in the eye of the cheese on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 06:04:00 PST


Well it's my birthday. I'm now 23 years old. It's my birthday and I don't really care anymore. When did that happen? I used to love when it was my birthday, now I could care less. Why? Why, don't I ca...
Posted by Weirdness is in the eye of the cheese on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 09:35:00 PST